Sleepy hauled another pair of crooks out of the car, glancing back to see a screaming cavewoman doing some sort of idiot gymnastics to somehow descend four feet, grab two of the barely-conscious goons, and lever herself out again so she could throw them onto the road. Luckily, the jarring motions caused them to pass out entirely, so they were limp when they hit the street. The damage from the impact only came to a few broken bones and a minor concussion. The screeching harpy performed the same motion again, this time coming up with their bumper and tossing it away. Sleepy hauled the remaining crooks over to Eddie as he shook his head. PMS was a helluva thing. He walked over to grab the two other crooks passed out in the street, noted that their bumper was currently embedded spikes-first in a newspaper box, and dragged the two unlucky suspects laying in the road- or maybe luckier, since they'd be unconscious for the interrogation? It was all a matter of perspective, really. "Well, I didn't get too good a look, see. I'm tinkin' we might gotta buff out a coupla scratches, courtesy a' Xena over 'ere. Speakin' a which-", Sleepy jabbed a thumb at the frothing psychopath chimping out atop the suspect's van, "-You know dis broad? She been callin' ya name an' all."