So some things. I don't want to be horribly oppressive and maybe I'm missing something, but some very minor issues in these first posts. [@The_written_John] At some point in your post it reads "walking alongside him down the hallways of their kingdoms castle" which seems pretty harmless, except that it is moving my character. Not a huge deal, but in future try to get approval for that sort of thing. I find nothing else of issue in the rest of it and will get to responding hopefully before the end of the night. That said Sariel will not have moved from outside Lethonel's door. [@Cuccoruler] Lethonel has no magical abilities, so you may want to fix that. Unless something changed to that regard while I was not paying attention. In future I don't think I can let Cythlla take over towns and collect thralls unmolested. You can still try, but there will be opposition of some kind. [@Esterdi] I assure you, Raven is no ordinary undead. Muahahahaha! hmmm... sorry. Not sure what happened there. [@Crimson Raven] Probably will put Xavier somewhere in the bottom left corner. The desert would probably be further off in that direction off the map, though when we finalize lore I will be sure to make note of it. Accepted. Let me know if you need any help working your way into things.