It all seemed to happen in a flash. One second he was panicking before two armed and suspicious guards, next second one was dead and the other knocked clean out. Fresno had never seen SeeD in action, but he had heard the horror stories. They didn't do them justice. Before he could speak, Duncan beckoned them over behind him, ready to breach the door. None of them looked particularly phased by what had just happened... Was this [i]normal[/i] for a SeeD? [i]Oh Christ, what have I gotten myself into...[/i] [b]'Well done. All going well, the armoury will be just down here.'[/b] Duncan glanced at the downed guards for a moment, weighing up the pros and cons of hiding them. With their kit so close at hand, they might be safe to go hot soon anyway, assuming the others achieved their objectives. A short burst of static caught his attention, emanating from Fresno's helmet. Shot with a questioning look, the soldier struggled to answer Phillips' hail. [b]'Y-yeah, I'm here. We just cleared the way to the armoury. About to move in, co-'[/b] Two things happened in the same moment. First, the pit suddenly and inexplicably fell out of Duncan's stomach and secondly, a wave of force ran through the entire building, knocking them to the floor. [b]'Dafuq was that?!'[/b] Within seconds sirens began to blare out across the prison, throwing everything into disarray. When Xerox's voice came through Fresno's radio, Duncan had to grab his helmet off him to get a satisfying enough reply. [b]'No shit, Sherlock!'[/b] [i]Rescue squad[/i] indeed... His mind snagged on something Xerox said though. [b]'Wait, Eika? She's here? She's [i]alive?![/i]'[/b] Relief, euphoria, nerves and sheer abstract terror all jumbled together in Duncan's mind, silencing his voice for a time. One of those feelings didn't quite make sense to him, but he ran with it anyway. [b]'Uh... Shit, good plan. He'll have to be a target of opportunity though; no idea where he is. Break stealth, go loud and get those drives. If you're up to it, ambush those soldiers, otherwise slow them up. And get on the horn to Jericho too, tell him to pull the stops. Good luck mate, meet us in the control room asa you're done.'[/b] Passing the helmet back to a bewildered Fresno, Duncan sat back on his haunches, utterly overwhelmed. Hell, he might have expected a rescue mission to be launched, but with [i]this[/i] timing..? He shook it off, focusing on the here and now. [b]'Ok. No more fucking about, go loud. I'll go first, then Fresno, Griff and Minerva in the rear. Move fast, hit hard, punch straight through. We hit the armoury and then set up at the only stairwell to the control room.'[/b] It would probably mean that they would be attacked, but with all their kit they could hold the position until the rest of the team arrived, especially if the power was out. [b]'Alright, let's move.'[/b]