[i]"Shit, it's cold out..."[/i] The brisk February weather encircled the teen as he traveled across the school grounds, now dried, dressed and in uniform with his signature grey hoodie adorning him, unzipped as always. Beneath the hood, he had a set of headphones on playing light [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mf4ebHafUE]chillstep[/url], the music was soothing, but layered in the background, his mind was more focused on finding Takuma. His earlier search yielded nothing as he decided to knock on the student's door, when he heard nothing, Kiyoshi tried the knob. The door gave way and he entered Takuma's room, his friend was nowhere in sight however, chances are, he already left for the main building, [i]"...which brings us here."[/i] Kiyoshi continued to wander down the winding pathway, considering the reasons as to why Takuma would have left for the main building already, he wasn't one to get up that early... fortunately he would know the answer soon enough as he saw the recognizable figure of his friend, talking to someone else? Curious. Kiyoshi waved his arm to get their attention, but to no avail, sighing he reached into his backpack and grabbed a small tablet, opening up an app it revealed an orange button, turning up the volume, he pressed the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnVYwfOWWRc]button[/url]; their reactions were to be expected. As Kiyoshi closed the gap between himself and the other two, he slid aside one of the ear pieces so he could hear them speak and quickly signed [b][Good morning, Takuma, you're up early][/b]. Kiyoshi knew that he wouldn't get all of that, but he'd at least get the gist. Closing the previous app, he opened up a new one, a text to speech program, he loathed using the thing, but this guy was new so it wouldn't be a terrible idea to introduce himself properly with a voice. Quickly keying in a few buttons, the device read out in a soft robotic voice, "Friend of your's Takuma?"