Zyphus had never really had the knack for magic that some of his half siblings had but that did not mean that he was stupid. Quite the opposite in fact. As he followed his siblings and Gnarl down towards the armory, when he finally spoke he betrayed a vastly different line of thought to that of his various kin. "We can hardly blame them for seeing an opportunity to seize more power for themselves at the cost of another and taking it; Any of us would have done the same in their shoes in a heartbeat. What I'm more interested in is how exactly this opportunity presented itself to them. The way I see it, there are three possible ways that this went down. The first is that they attacked with overwhelming force and claimed our artifacts as spoils of conquest, in which case we [i]should[/i] have been alerted about what was going on. The second is that our security was so poorly organized as to be considered grossly incompetent. The last is that we have been betrayed from within our ranks." Turning his gaze to rest solely on Gnarl, Zyphus's smile seemed to gain an unnervingly sharp edge to it; Much like a knife in the hand of a mugger in a dark alleyway. "So Gnarl, [i]who[/i] is it that is in charge of the security of our home in the absence of our father?" Considering that the old minion was in charge of the day to day affairs of their home, it was clear that Zyphus had a strong inclination about who was head of security.