Danielle lounged in the absolutely terrible place she was forced to call her room, staring up at the ceiling with a carefully crafted look of boredom mixed with superiority; if anyone dared speak to her, it would morph to a look that said, [i]this had better be worth my time.[/i] Not exactly an expression conducive to making friends, but that wasn't why she was here. The door was pushed open impatiently. "Subject S7!" The man barked. "Training with Subject S1 in ten. Report to the gym." Turning on his heel, the man didn't even bother to close the door behind him. Sighing, Danielle slid off the bed and started slithering her way out of the barracks and towards the gym. Subject S1, known to the demi-snakes as Morgan, taught them in snake-specific abilities. She was also the female demi-snakes' instructor in using their looks to their advantage, which could be hard to do, considering the fact that they all had tails instead of legs. All in all, despite her act, training with Morgan was one of the few things Danielle actually liked about this place. [hr] Sitting crosslegged in the back of a transport vehicle, Kian itched irritably at the chains that bound his wings. He had worn them for years, much to Dusk's rage. As she put it, no raven-kin should be bound thus. It was a sentence worse than death, for a raven to lose use of their wings. That Kian had never had the use of his wings enraged her even more. [color=662d91][i]Egg-brother well?[/i][/color] Dusk cawed, cocking her head inquisitively. That was a raven term, [i]egg-brother.[/i] Dusk had taught Kian the proper way for a raven to speak. [color=8493ca][i]Egg-brother well.[/i][/color] Kian assured his only friend, speaking in the same caws as she. [color=8493ca][i]Egg-sister well?[/i][/color] [color=662d91][i]Egg-sister well.[/i][/color] The raven confirmed, ruffling her feathers with pleasure. It never failed to please her when Kian spoke the raven tongue. [color=662d91][i]Human-move-on-stones stopped.[/i][/color] The ravens had no word for yes; instead they stated a fact. [i][color=8493ca]Feathers-night-dark.[/color][/i] Kian agreed. [color=8493ca][i]Return to nest?[/i][/color] In other words, [i]are we back home?[/i] [color=662d91][i]Dark as moon.[/i][/color] Dusk replied with a negative. [color=662d91][i]Dog-nest over mountains.[/i][/color] [i]Dog nest - bad nest. Over mountains - far away.[/i] Then the door at the back of the truck opened and two men came in. One carried a cage; the other grabbed Dusk and forced her into it. [i][color=8493ca]Egg-sister![/color][/i] Kian cried, lunging towards her, but he was restrained as his friend was taken away. [color=8493ca][i]Fly in darkness![/i][/color] He called. [i]Stay safe.[/i] Then she was gone. "Your companion will be well taken care of... as long as you behave." The remaining man informed the demi-raven, shoving him out of the truck, where a demi was waiting. "Show him around. He's in Room A5." The human informed the demi, then went on his way.