[hider=Linnoh Maximillian Jaune] Just a few examples as to what he might wear... idk. I'm not sure how much i like this generator xP [hider=1. Daily][img]http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w384/izurielsteam/Linnoh%20City2_zpsfitfdlde.png[/img][/hider] [hider=2. Daily][img]http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w384/izurielsteam/Linnoh%20City_zpsmjbry92i.png[/img][/hider] [hider=3. Swimwear] [img]http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w384/izurielsteam/Linnoh%20City%201_zpsj9q0zbsr.png [/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Linnoh Maximillian Jaune [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Physical Attributes:[/b] Linnoh has a very relaxed demeanor standing near six feet tall with a sinewy and sturdy frame. His chest and shoulders are broad and his skin darkened from hours of working in the fields. He gets his strong, lived-in face from his father but his small nose from his mother. Long, craggy lines spray out from the corners of his eyes showing his dedication to hard work and sunlight. At just the right angle or silhouette, you'd swear he was far older. With reddish-black hair and dark eyes, he is easily described as both "earthy" and "stately." Though he's quiet and rarely commands attention, he's been known to sway a man or two with just his words to avoid conflict. As he spends a lot of time in the fields and in the city, he wears clothes that both function and look nice; mostly tans, grays, and a few vibrant colors. [b]Medical and Family History:[/b] Linnoh was born to Zoch and Lydia Jaune in early spring twenty-two years ago. Both of his parents come from a long line of farmers and botanists. As such, Linnoh's childhood education was very extensive and heavily driven into studying every aspect of flora and even species in lands he would likely never see. His family, at least his aunts and uncles, work in the grains, vegitables, and cattle farms, in some aspect or another. However, he was raised in the orchid fields on the north-eastern edge of town. Though he is an only child, his mother's several siblings and their families each have a child or two he grew up with. From the six cousins closest to his age, he is the most introverted in comparison. They are all rather rambunctious but are incredibly kind. Iridess is the cousin closest to him in age and in friendship. Her pet ditto was the first pokemon Linnoh remembers interacting with. As his parents were almost "against" having a pokemon live in their house, he always felt something was missing. "They're just meant to be free," his mother would say to him. And to this day, Linnoh rarely uses a pokeball because of it. Linnoh has been motivated by studying the flora and pokemon. Due to his father's strict beliefs about education, he had to choose one or the other. When he chose both, he was given double the work. Morning and night classes and short weekends, his life was spent inside of books for the first ten years of his life. But Linnoh always kept up with his studies and never faltered. Year after year he'd gladly enroll in more and more classes with private tutors and lessons on pokemon from Prof. Shale or other trainers. "The fastest learner, I swear," some of his instructors would almost complain about it. When he became an Oak rank trainer at 14 (his parents demanded he wait), he befriended an Oddish which he named Blight. He chose "Blight" specifically because Oddish and Gloom are sometimes seen as "helpless" because they lack many powerful defenses. But Blight was different; he was stronger and faster than one would expect. Linnoh thought it was due to Blight being slightly feral, having to fight for food while being so weak naturally. So aggressiveness won in the land of small pokemon. Regardless of Blight's attitude, he always obeys Linnoh's commands. Linnoh and Blight are known for caring for many of the sick and elderly in town. With his personal garden and those of his family's, Linnoh can create many different potions, salves, or other mixtures used for healing. He makes his entire living off of trading medicine to people throughout the town. In fact, his method of preserving medicine is the most preferred across town and many farmers and shop owners use it. If the town is healthy and the elderly are comfortable, he will travel around to the fields and get in his day's worth of work which is almost always seven or eight hours. If there's no work to be done in the farms, which there rarely is, he will spend an entire afternoon devising methods for more potent fertilizer and better yields on crops. Though he shies away from attention, Linnoh is known by many for his courage when a powerful flu struck the commercial quarter of Letchworth. At first, it seemed like just a regular cold. But then shops started closing because the owners and workers grew too sick to work. He happened to be walking through the town early that morning when he saw a man in pajamas placing a "closed until further notice" sign on his shop window. Linnoh tapped on the glass, startling the man. "What's wrong?" Linnoh asked him through the closed door. "Awf'ly sick, sum kinnah flu," the gruff man coughed, "off with yeh or catch it yourself." "Who else is sick?" He asked, staring at the sniffling man who sneezed violently into a tissue. The veins on his hands were blue and Linnoh saw blood in his mucus. "Jus'. . . about everyone on this street," he hacked, "been worse the past night or two," "Stay here, I think I can help." Linnoh ran home to get a secret medicine he'd been expirementing with. A complex one meant to filter the blood and flush toxins. He took the medicine to the man and everyone on the street that day. After a brief quarantine, the flu passed and Linnoh was credited for assisting in the cure and controlling it. At least that's how some children tell the story. In truth, it was a small cul-de-sac of houses that had all been sick with the same cold, no blood was involved and certainly no blue, bulging veins! Regardless, the group of families were incredibly grateful and insisted that he be recognized in some way or another. Since he refused money for his services, the three families put together a ceremony in his honor and dubbed him "The Healing Hand" and bestowed a small token of their gratitude. Officially, the city took no part in their little ceremony. Coincidentally, he was given the rank advancement of Oak to Bronze that same week. Every night he looks at the little bronze statue and reads the quote inscribed; [i]"For his dedication to people, pokemon, and protecting us all the same. - the Williards, Mochi, and Bellamy families." [i] Since he's been a Bronze rank, he's been working more with pokemon and training with Blight rather than studying herbs or medicines. Often he'll train with a sparring partner, but the whole act of it still makes him nervous. Linnoh and Blight can be good fighters, but at times Linnoh often finds himself overwhelmed if more than two pokemon are involved. Unlike his trainer, Blight prefers to take the offensive and tries to push Linnoh into doing so. [/i] [b]Mental Health background:[/b] Linnoh is quiet in a crowd but cheerful and often talkative with people he knows well. He's not often seen as the leader of his troupe of cousins but that's not to say he won't speak up if he needs to. Linnoh is quite picky as well, whether it be food, clothing, or even finding a way to sleep at night. Some misread his quiet demeanor and (seemingly) indifference to situations for being withrdawn or curt. [b]Rank: [/b]Bronze. [b]Equipment Carried:[/b] Held in a backpack or on utility belt: Lantern (wick, oil, matches) Small Hatchet Scissors Notebooks, pencils Tree-Climber Belt Nuts, Berries, always some kind of food and water Mortar & Pestle Ingredient bags/containers Topical Meds for: + Cuts (x5) (similar to regular HP potion) + Burn (x2) + Sleep (x1) Ingestible Meds (for): + Healing Tonic (x5) (similar to super potion, very difficult to make in comparison to stat heals) + Paralysis (x3) + Poison (x3) [b]Qualifications/Skils:[/b] Botany Skills: - identifying a wide range of plants and their uses - creating various medicines to heal wounds, sicknesses, and other afflictions - navigating forest terrain - sewing/growing/harvesting crops Pokemon Skills: - identifying a large range of grass, bug, and poison type pokemon - identifying afflictions such as poison, paralysis, etc. and how to cure some of them - good understanding of pokemon nature - knack for finding unique ways to implement pokemon's special abilities/moves Other: - woodcutting and sculpting - climbing trees - drawing - great with puzzles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pokemon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Species:[/b] Oddish [b]Name: [/b]Blight [b]Nature: [/b]Rash. Blight is quite a hand full. He's not the cuddly, sweet Oddish most people think of when it comes to his kind. He's often hostile to those he doesn't know and will bite without second thought. Blight can have a temper, but Linnoh tries to make him save it for battles, the few battles he does have. Some think Linnoh and Blight make a strange pair because they're such opposites of each other. [/i] [b]Ability: [/b][i]Harvest: May create another Berry after one is used.[/i] [b]Moves: [/b]Razor leaf, Bullet Seed, Absorb, Acid, Protect, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder [/hider]