Oya made a purring noise as she walked to the cabinet that was meant for her. She easily slipped the armor on which had a dark steel plating protecting the entire torso, head, legs, and forearms down. While her vital spots, and joints were protected by a very light yet incredibly strong dark brown leather. A softer padded leather also lined the inside of the gauntlets, boots, and torso for comfort. All of her armor made as to accentuate her fine figure. Around her waist was a thick metal plate belt that hugged the hips, and dipped down at the front with a minions face as a face in the center, and a cloth train connecting to the belt. The train was an electric blue on the outside, and black on the inside, and was open at the front, stopping just above the ankles. The gauntlets being talons at the finger tips, and the right being thinner than the left; both had an almost feather looking layering to them. The left gauntlet was what controlled her minions as evidence by the large white glowing gem imbedded in it. Her helmet covering her entire head save for a narrow slit of darkness with two glowing yellow almond shaped lights that were her eyes, and a hole where her long brown hair came out of. While three long feather looking blades jutted out from both sides in a fan going up towards the cranium while the design resembled a birds beak with its curving sharpness in the front. An intricate jagged and swirling storm like pattern adorned the entirety of her plate armor. A steel evil looking avian face with glowing brown gems in the eyes protected the left shoulder, while leaving the rest bare skin between the shoulder, and gauntlet. While the right arm had a wide billowing sleeve of electric blue cloth coming down to just above her hand. Her boots being thin, with many sharp plates that reached up her thighs, and metal minion heads on her knees. With the feet having the sharp claw like blades at the toe, which was only 5 centimeters long. "Oho this I like," she said. Then turned to look at her siblings hefting her new Urumi onto her back. Which had a black blade, and a brown handle with fur lining the hilt like a mane. She could tell it was forged with a good many minion sacrifices with the way the white jewels glowed on each blade segment where it connected to the cord inside, with a brighter shine than her previous Urumi. This weapon had no element of its own, but it was powered to be impossible to sever the cord of the weapon. Unlike her other one where one good slash could sever the thing apart. While the blade segments of the weapon were incredibly sharp and could slice through solid stone.