[hider= Levi Astrauckas ] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ej7o58o.png[/IMG][/center] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Full name:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Levi Astrauckas.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/color][/i] [indent]"Ruckus" and it's variations, such as "Big Ruckus" and "Lev Ruckus". The nickname "Ruckus" was Levi's nickname through high school, being an affectionate bastardization of his last name Astrauckas which came up simply for the sake of having a nickname in his peer group.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Male ♂.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]June, 20.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Heterosexual. Public knowledge.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Appearance / Notable physical features:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Levi stands at 5 feet and 11 inches with an average and somewhat toned build and light, clear complexion. His hair is a very dark drown which is kept mainatined on the back and sides with a swept top and fringe and accented by a stubble - which serves a double to hide his chin, which he's not happy with the shape of. Both his ear lobes are pierced and stretched to a considerable but not extreme extent and he has a collection of tattoos: including a right arm sleeve, a more minimal left-arm sleeve, and a tattoo across the upper back connecting the two; he plans on adding to his collection in the future, if he can source the money. The staple-mark of his wardrobe is his glasses: He wears a pair of black, borderline hipster-esque prescription glasses, being significantly short-sighted; the glasses 'complete' his face, and he normally seems a little odd without them. As far as clothing goes, he rotates between themed crew-necks, button-up tops which are normally worn with the sleeves rolled up and the top button open, jeans, slim-fitting tan slacks, brown lace-up quarter brogue cap toe shoes, and black converse canvas shoes.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]The shortest way to describe Levi would be "reasonably chilled" - he's all about staying calm and happy, taking it easy, and living day-by-day, but not using it as an excuse to get up to no good; he'll often get up needlessly early if he needs to be somewhere in the morning so that he can get himself ready at a slow and steady pace without having to rush. He prefers to get up and work hard to get any work out the way so it's off his plate and he can relax again. He's fairly patient and, reflecting his "chill" nature, doesn't pay mind to a lot of things - only a few things really gets to him. Even in stressful situations and the heat of the moment he's slow to stress, but when he finally boils over he becomes very highly strung and takes a long time to calm down again, even to the length of days or even weeks after it's all over. His primary interests include music, skating, tattoos, and socializing. He's something of a social butterfly and prefers to spend his spare time in the company of others, preferably in pursuit of interests such as music, skating, and picturesque activities such as swimming at a pretty local river or camping at the top of a hill with a view. He's pretty socially versatile and is open to making friends with a broad array of personality types and tropes; even then, the few who annoy him he has the patience to tolerate in smaller doses. Ironically enough, for someone who prefers to spend his time in the company of others, he's not too fond of parties; by all means, he enjoys a party every now and them, but they're normally a bit too fast-paced for his chilled nature, and his sense of reason often conspires against participation in a lot of party festivities. When intimacy is involved, his personality changes to some extent. He's unfamiliar with intimacy and doesn't really have his bearings about him when it's involved; he becomes a lot more impulsive, highly strung, and caring in moments of intimacy, but otherwise tries to stay as chill as possible.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Roommate-ness:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Much as would be expected based off his personality, Levi is arguably a good roommate; he's easygoing and low-profile, often sleeping in, spending a fair amount of his time off outside with friends or just skating, and just going about his own thing; he enjoys spending time with his roommates indoors on the couch or in the spa, but prefers hanging out outdoors - unless it's jamming, in which case he's happy to sit in the garage studio all day. In his pursuit of aesthetics he's a bit of a neat freak, and whilst he has a habit of cleaning up after himself he also has a habit of cleaning up after everybody else, whether they like it or not; a sewing project might end up moving from a lounge chair to the coffee table, or a pair of shoes taken off on the dining room might end up moving to just by the front door. He also has a habit of doing th dishes or laundry on impulse if it's untidy enough, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Levi considers his own room to be something of a personal retreat for moments of stress, spending time alone or in privacy however rare it may be, and otherwise doing his own thing and as such, his room is often given the care of a shrine and is kept in nigh-immaculate condition. If the door is closed the unwritten message is 'don't come in', whether he's in there or not; coming in when the door is closed without knocking or otherwise calling forward in advance is a fast way to annoy him, whether he hides it or not. It also drives him up the wall when people mess up his room. If someone where to both intrude and mess up his room, even the easy-going Levi would get upset.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Public records / Bio:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Levi always has been fairly active on social media but was chilled as he is in all things, so there's a fair amount of information hidden away. It wouldn't be hard to find out that he was born on the US West Coast near Bainbridge Island, Washington State. He attended local public education through to earlier on in middle school, where he moved to the location of setting and finished his education. There'd be a lot of photos with him and his guitar set from late elementary school through to present day as he continued to develop his passion. Towards the end of his time in middle school, he put together his first band that ran through until half way through high school, with some gigs here and there around the local community. The band eventually fell apart when a few of the moments got swamped in their school work and efforts to replace them were unsuccessful. Until the formation of a new band he's made himself available as a session musician, for which he has a personal website and YouTube channel showcasing some of his works for potential clients. It's public information on his website that he plays guitar as music is his passion, and for that same reason he pursues membership in another band. His website also shows that he's familiar with a wide array of styles and genres and is fairly versatile in that regard. Levi has pursued no further education at this point and is currently working part time at a grocery store and as a session musician.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Vices:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]• Levi dabbled into smoking whilst he was in high school, although he's seem to have kicked the habit within the past 3 months. • Whilst Levi is slow to stress, when he does finally boil over he gets quite badly stressed, and takes a long time to come back down - days to weeks, even.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Skills:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]• Guitar. Levi has played guitar since elementary school and stuck to it, only briefly dabbling in piano in early middle school to drop it to focus entirely on guitar; as such, he's a quite talented guitarist. • Music Theory. Levi has spent most of his life reading tabs, but is capable of understanding traditional sheet music and music theory elements given a bit of paper to work it out on. • Driving. Levi is a good driver, and often drives a van around to carry all of his gear. • Supportive. Levi's passive and relaxed nature naturally help him support others in positions of trouble, and on top of that he has a bit of a knack for it.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Other:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]• Levi owns an American Vintage '58 Telecaster, a Joe Satriani Ibanez JS2400, and an Epiphone EJ-200CE. The first two are electric with a primary white secondary black finish and the latter is a primary black accented white electric-acoustic which was also his first guitar he bought for himself. He also owns a nondescript 20W Vox amplifier and an array of pedals, although he normally uses the venues amps at gigs. • Levi also owns a white second-hand 1997 Mitsubishi Express, which he uses to cart around his gear. He often carries some gear for other he's hired to work for as a session musician.[/indent][/hider]