With joyful predatory glee the green eyes shown bright, burning with a resurgence of supernatural vigor; wide and fierce once more, a heart stirred by the scent of blood and the lick of injury, they held within incredible intensity beyond that of mere human capacity. Whether it was fate, divine providence or mere chance, the demon had chosen to retreat and of all things to find itself in the sights of, it was none other than the killer stare of a concealed foe, lying in wait. Raving with a second wind both physical and spiritual, the work of the soul-magic [i]Incarnum[/i], the beast struck out from just above and before, all without warning - claws splayed like rending hooks and jaws thrown wide to devour. Had Artholath known the savage, the Beast-Among-Men, had been stalking him it was likely this choice would not have been made so recklessly; a foe best not toyed with. In a way, it was by fortune of Zargon's sudden departure and the shadow's banishment the wizened barbarian had slunk to the shadows to prepare his next attack and lick his wounds; both of which he did, to great success with the mystic assistance from within. Yet this? This was an unexpected and certainly grand prize - the prey driven full force into claw and fang. Now, thrown upon the fiend at great speed - as though the darkness before had taken pantherine form - "The Red" called for blood with a primal cry. Booming, it threw ash, debris and dust in the wake of the blindsiding attack, executing with calculated precision; the sort born of beast, man and something... [i]more[/i]. Yet this was not the worst of things... Here there was nowhere to run, no where to flee, pressed into the fatal funnel; the Mamluk with sword brandished and overcome by the zeal of battle, the scorched stone walls with heaps of collapsed structure, and the unforeseen assault that would strike him with the condensed rage of a hurricane of rending talons. Whereas Zargon had shrunk away with wounds to long remember his enemies by - ones of crippling, maiming injury - Artholath was likely not about to be so lucky and this moment was perhaps the last "all or nothing" the heroes here would see unless fate proved to be merciful. [@Jon Y][@Letter Bee][@The Fated Fallen][@IcePezz][@ArenaSnow]