[@LadyTale] Austin stood, eyes narrowed at the close presence of the guards. He was dragged out of his room, more cell, apparently to show a new arrival around. His nose flared, and he let out a huff of air. He yawned, the light flashing off of his canines. His ears twitched as the car grew closer, able to hear the approach much longer before the car was actually on scene. He stared at the transport truck, stepping back to allow the men to step in and retrieve the Demi. He watched, his ears twitching at the sounding of cawing, taking a deep breath, his lip curling. Another damn bird. He hated their annoying sounds, always chattering and chirping. At least his communication is quiet. His ears pinned back in dislike in the flurry of sound, a small growl escaping him. His body relaxed as the sound diminished, taking a deep breath. He watched the companion be carried away, before looking at the Demi that was brought out from the truck. His ear twitched at the order, lifting a lip in a slight baring of teeth as he nodded. He looked at the new arrival, crossing his arms across his chest, tail thrashing slightly behind him. He turned, letting out a small huff, saying, his voice rumbling deep in his chest"follow." He began to walk, not looking back to insure he was being followed. He took a deep breath, figuring that he should initiate normal conversation. Not his greatest ability. HWith a deep breath, he began to speak," welcome to hell. Name's Austin."