[@BeastofDestiny][@Vulkan] Jiro smiled trying to hide his laugh, realizing Yakima was reasonably lost as well. He seemed to know his way around he just didn't know where to go for his class. He was about to response back to him when he heard a air horn, or what seemed like a air horn, behind him. It seemed to be another boy and seemed to use his phone to catch there attention. As he walked up he gave signs with his hands which confused him completely. He took his phone and typed a few things in and a robotic voice spoke "Friend of tour's Takuma?" He thought it was weird that he using a phone to speak, but he didn't wish to ask any personal questions. Instead he responded to the boy, [color=ed1c24]"No, I'm not a friend of his, but I wouldn't mind becoming a friend of his." [/color] Now that Jiro had his attention he took advantage of this and said,[color=ed1c24] "My name is Jiro, I just transferred here from America and it seems I have lost my schedule, so I have no idea of where I need to go. It also seems your friend here is also in the same boat,"[/color] As he held out his hand for a shake.