Jake practically went from walking to sliding down the stairs between the ground floor and the first lower level as he had started to make his descent. Quickly coming to his senses the SeeD had scrambled back behind to the stairwell for cover as he reloaded his crossbow. peering out from behind the wall Jake observed as the Soldiers still appeared to be 'suppressing' the ground floor. [color=ed1c24]"Such cowardice."[/color] The mercenary muttered to himself in disappointment, barely able to hear himself over the bellowing alarm. Using his own arm for resting on Jake took aim at one of the soldiers, their actions granting him the time to take the aim he required. He took his eye's off the soldiers for a moment as he assessed the next considerable section of cover for the floor, this horrible circular pattern would appear to be a repeating theme throughout the prison. Judging that he'd have enough time to get low behind the wall, Jake returned his gaze to the soldiers as he pulled slowly back on the crossbow's trigger. The shot had been impossible to miss as the bolt found its mark, lodging into the soldiers skull as its forceful impact pierced through the guards helmet, bringing an abrupt end to his automatics racket. By the time the guard accompanying him had adjust his aim Jake had already positioned himself behind the central wall. [color=ed1c24]"Do you really fancy your chances so much that you're willing to risk your life against SeeD?"[/color] Jake called out from the safety behind cover. The reply, was nothing short of a few bursts of bullets, chipping away at the top edge of the wall. [color=ed1c24]"I'll take that as a yes."[/color] Jake sarcastically called out in response with a small chuckle. Reloading his crossbow he stayed low as he followed the wall round to get closer to his target, he'd have to reload eventually. re-attaching the loaded weapon to his belt the SeeD decided a more personal approach should be taken as he un-sheathed one of his daggers. He had almost covered the entire of the circular room, as such the remaining guard could not be far from him, this had to be done quick before more come pouring up from the floors below. Jake calmly lifted the dagger above cover drawing fire toward him once more and then [i]click[/i]. Even with an alarm going that all to familiar sound of an empty clip rung true and loud enough to be heard, seeing his opportunity Jake rose from behind the cover and charged the guard, dagger in hand. The guards initial response parried Jake's first lunge away with his baton as he struck Jake's left cheek. Though that would be the only blow dealt as Jake swiftly followed up, slashing for the guards lightly armoured side. Holding the dagger embedded still in the guard, Jake used his free and to wipe the blood from the wound he sustained. [color=ed1c24]"Time to join your friend."[/color] Jake commented as he sent yet another guard down the central shaft. However, so close to the brink this one simply fell past the floors for any awaiting guards to catch sight of. Cleaning the blood off on his armoured jeans the SeeD began to advance, more cautiously for the next floor. Resistance was only likely to increase until he located someone, and he had no intention of bailing on this mission.