Karl turns towards Kaathe,"Ahh my dark elven ally, I suggest you go towards the stables and get a mount we shall be headed out to clear the Kest nest soon. I have to talk to the Captain." Karl wanders off and finds the Captain standing near Bartuc on the wall. Making his way up the wall Karl stands to attention behind the Captain, clearing his throat Karl almost whispers towards the Captain,"Captain I need to speak to you about my actions in that dream world. And why I have covered my left eye." Karl stands at perfect attention not a muscle moving, his mind is racing about how that dream. Since that dream most of Karl's thoughts have been about that dream and his actions within, and the color of his left eye. After he had woken from the dream before meeting anyone Karl had passed by a mirror and noticed that his left eye was still the dark crimson red it was in the dream, but to his confusion his right eye was it's normal hazel color.