Speaking of looks... Preconceived ideas of physical appearance in relation to some specific hobby or the internet really grinds my gears. I spoke with a person recently and I happened to mention that I play computer games, whereupon said person was surprised and said: "you don't look like someone who plays video games." So, apparently, I didn't fit the preconceived image of the average gamer... girl, in this case. And speaking of gender, the same goes for the internet and guys' preconceived ideas about girls, or lack thereof. If you look a certain way and claim to be that person, you have to prove that it's actually you, usually in a picture with your username, current date, or some such nonsense. It doesn't happen to me very often, but it has happened enough to discourage me from ever showing myself on the internet. It's not that I claim to look like a supermodel, because I don't, but apparently... ordinary girl = supermodel to guys on the internet, which is totally insane.