Like the rest of the crew, Ryen quickly searched through the boxes with Maria’s and Ellie’s help. Seven boxes in all, eight if you counted the separate cartridge of shock pistol pellets. It took multiple trips for Ryen and Ellie to carry their technology, along with their purchases back to their separate quarters. Quincy got off relatives easy since his room, along with the medical bay were also located on the bottom floor while Guther was kind enough to help Seita with hers before heading back to collect his own. Ryen started off with the closest box, thoroughly reading through the owner’s manual. The contents happened to be the gun or, at least, the shock pistol. It was odd to her that Lazlo would first tell her not to go buying weapons and then just hand one over. Maybe that was how he liked to handle his ship. She suspected some kind of underlying control issue. [b]”Simple enough, I suppose.”[/b] Ryen said using the manual to assemble and then disassemble the gun a few times. [b]”Ten seconds… pff… yeah right.”[/b] She’d be lucky if one day she could get down to thirty. Just because her brain was starting to remember how the pieces went together didn’t mean she had the accuracy just yet. Ryen read the directions on how to use the pistol once and then a second time a little slower. Then she gave up trying to understand what in the world it was talking about. Maybe the Xs and boxes and colors would make more sense once she had some practice with it. Placing the gun and a spare magazine clip in her tool belt, Ryen continued riffling through the technology. A quick look through the communicator’s manual and the mechanic came to the realization that the one Lazlo had given them wasn’t nearly as nice as the one she had on her wrist. She’d worry about interfacing with the other crew member’s devices at a later time. [b]”Maria,”[/b] Ryen said, [b]”I need your CIC.”[/b] No response came. Was the AI ignoring her? [b]”Look,”[/b] Ryen continued, [b]”You heard what I captain said earlier. I know you did. I’m in charge of your subsystems, repairs, resource management, and design optimization. Essentially, I’m in charge of [i]you[/i]! I won’t be able to do my job without being able to communicate to you while off ship. So can I have you CIC… ”[/b] Nothing. [b]”please?”[/b] [b]”Communication Interface Code: 562729343-detla-bravo-foxtrot-736.”[/b] Maria rattled off so quickly that Ryen had to struggle to keep up as she typed in the code to the projected holographic screen. A few minutes later the process was complete. [b]”Access ship status of Fes Maria”[/b] Ryen stated. With the ship’s permission, Ryen was able to receive a screen shot of the ship’s energy diagram. However, unlike before with the access panel, she would not be able to directly manipulate the out puts. [b]”Only 38% percent now? Why? What’s taking so long.”[/b] Digging a little deeper, Ryen discovered that a significant amount of the core’s excess power, which should have been going to the rebuilding the shields, was being directed to the ship’s medical bay. What exactly Quincy was doing in there was anyone’s guess. [b]”Does the captain know about the shields?”[/b] [b]”He has recently been informed.”[/b] Maria responded. With that, Ryen shut off the screen on her communicator and turned back to the task at hand. The active-armor jacket seemed simple enough if not a bit-sticky. She didn’t like the idea of something contorting to fit flesh against her skin and since there was no reason to wear it on the ship, at least that she could think of at the moment, Ryen opted to leave it off. The ETL seemed simple enough, at least on the surface. The omnitool was impressive and had a good user interface. Like the pistol, she placed it in her tool belt. Next up, the Cache Keeper and Feeder… [hider=Cache Keeper User Manuel] [b]Introduction:[/b] The Cache Keeper (often misinterpreted as the catch keeper or cash keeper by some) is used in combination witch Cache Cargo. Each Cache Cargo box has a unique serial number located on the inside of the box. The amount of storage space available to the user is limited by the size, number, and type of Cache Cargo. [b]Usage[/b] Twenty, standard 1 meter x 1 meter boxes come with the purchase of your Cache Keeper. These are dry storage boxes and are not meant to contain liquids, temperature sensitive items, or contents under pressure. To purchase and add additional Cache Cargo to your Cache Keeper, please see Appendix B. One object may be stored per box. To store an object, simply press the central blue button. The Cache Keeper will perform a quick scan to insure the cargo meets with the proper guidelines including size and lack of hazards such as explosives or living specimens. (For a more detailed list see Appendix F.) After the object has been selected you may type in a brief description to help you remember what you have stored. If you do not write a description a numerical digit will be assigned. Once you are done, press the blue button again to commence the warp sequence. To retrieve the object, press the orange button and select the description or designated number. The Cache Keeper will perform a quick scan to assure there is an area big enough to fit the retrieved object. Once this is complete press the orange button again to retrieve your item [b]Charging[/b] A standard high voltage power outlet and adapter is needed to charge the internal battery. [b]Troubleshooting [/b] If a red light appears while you are trying to store an object: 1. The object is considered to be a hazardous material. 2. The object contains living materials 3. You have filled your maximum amount of Cache Cargo. Please buy more of empty or empty one you already have. 4. The Cache Keeper cannot secure a connection to your cargo. 5. You need to charge your Cache Keeper If a red light appears while you are trying to retrieve an object: 1. There is not enough space to safety warp your retrieved 2. You are attempting to access a box that is empty. 3. The Cache Keeper cannot secure a connection to your cargo. 4. You need to charge your Cache Keeper [b]Warning:[/b] Do [b]NOT[/b] use with hazardous materials such as but not limited to biohazards, radioactive materials, explosives, corrosives, oxidizers, etc. Do [b]NOT[/b] use with live specimens. Do [b]NOT[/b] move Cache Cargo unless empty. Do [b]NOT[/b] attempt to reprogram. Doing so has left users unable to obtain their items. Although each Cache Cargo made to withstand outside tampering, it is [b]HIGHLY[/b] encouraged to put your Cache Cargo in a secure location. You will [b]NOT[/b] be able to retrieve stored items if the Cache Keeper does not have enough charge. [/hider] **** [b]”It’s just a lot and its power that could be directed somewhere else.”[/b] Ryen griped as the gallery doors slid open relieving the rest of the crew was already seated at the table. Once again Gunter was slicing away at a hunk of meat. Ryen briefly wondered what the solider had against cows. [b]”It’s for my containment unit.”[/b] Quincy remarked with a casual shrug. [b]”It needs extra shielding.”[/b] [b]”I’ll tell you what needs extra shielding…”[/b] Ryen replied, walking over to the replicator and typing in the code for Spiced Risotto. Something pricked at the back of her neck, and Ryen turned around to see the doctor eyeing her curiously. [b]”What?”[/b] she said while reaching in and pulled out the now fully formed dish. [b]”You eat a lot of different dishes.”[/b] He replied nonchalantly and then offered a wide smile. [b]”I guess you like variety.”[/b] Ryen nodded and not sure how to take the comment, opted on simply taking at seat at the table, nodding a greeting to those already there.