[b]Master[/b] Alistair frowned as he observed the room degrade into chaos before Gilgamesh restored order, the King of Kings most unpleased with how things were going. As it stood, he himself had to resist the urge to show his own frustration with how things were going. This was a serious matter, so how was it this hard to treat the event with the respect and seriousness that it deserved? They were all mages, so they could do that at lest, yes? But apparently not. Well, he would do his best to ignore it all and to focus on the matters at hand. Though he did notice the interest that his Servant showed in Gilgamesh. He didn't say anything about it though, willing to allow it so long as it didn't interfere with what he had to do to win the Grail War. He was willing to compromise when needed. "I suppose it would be a waste to ignore this feast," he agreed with a nod, taken aback as she wrapped her arm around his and pulled him forward. He provided no resistance though, since he was willing to go along with the suggestion that she had presented. There was no harm in doing so after all. At least not to him, and not to his Servant. And after all the walking, and the summoning itself, he could use a bit of food. Sitting himself down at the large table, he looked over the available options there were to choose from. While Gilgamesh might be incredibly arrogant, Alistair couldn't help but admit that it did look good. He merely hoped that it wasn't actually food that was thousands of years old. So he took a roll, some turkey, and more to that. Time to eat. And so it was that a hum escaped on the very first bite, eyes widening slightly in the process. Well then, seemed that it wasn't thousands of years old food after all. Once again, Gilgamesh proved to have the best things. But at least he could enjoy it while it lasted. [hr] [b]Servant[/b] Caster watched with an idle and amused smirk as things degraded into chaos, one Saber class Servant attacking his Master, who proceeded to do the very confusing move of taking another Servant hostage. She expected that they wouldn't be in the war for very much longer, and the same could be said for the Caster that was insulting their current host. Well, she supposed that it was a good thing. After all, that meant less competition. [i]That little girl is another Servant,[/i] she noted to her master via their telepathic connection, provided courtesy of the Grail. If she could be killed by a single Master with a gun, then she didn't deserve to be in this Grail War in the first place. Glancing down, she noted her Master's movement, a call for her to sit down and join in the feast. A quaint gesture, though one that did garner a bit of appreciation. But she made no move to sit down, staying in a position by her Master as she continued to observe the spectacle at hand. "My thanks Master, but I'm not hungry right now. And I would hate for something to happen to someone as frail as yourself." For how condescending it sounded, it was true. She wasn't hungry, and she partook in more delicious affair than simple food. But her master would learn that soon enough. For now she stood in a pose like one about to dance, ready to draw her weapon and use it should someone foolish make a move for her master. It wouldn't do to lose before the war had even begun.