"Deli." Delibird replied holding a package up to Liam. Liam took it. He tipped the Delibird 5 Pokédolars. Deli bird smiled "Deli deli!" It then took off. Liam found a note under the twine that wrapped around the brown paper bag like wrapping. He opened the note and read it aloud: "Liam, [i]I am proud of you and Shiranui for making it to the Kalos League. Enclosed is a gift that I had made for each of you. I also found a couple Pokémon that were causing mischief around the Pokémon Center. I am sure that they would make exceptionally strong Pokémon if properly trained, but work will not really give me much time for training them. I know you have your preference to Luxary Balls and caught one of them in that, and I hope I caught the other in Shiranui's presence. Good luck in the tournament. Your father, Florence, and I will be rooting for you. [/i][indent][indent]-Mom[/indent][/indent]" Liam noted that instead of saying 'mom' the signature was a chibby Nurse Joy face smiling with a hand flashing victory. Liam opened the package to find two slightly small packages. One had Liam's name, while the other had Shiranui's Liam opened his to find a scarf with a flame pattern and the image of a shiny Charizard sown on it. The Luxary Ball rolled out into his hand.