[@Classpet] [color=00a651]"They call me Alpha. So I guess that's what others should call me by, my real name stays with me." [/color] Kaya's voice was quiet, monotone and tired sounding. Her hands released her tail and she blinked her eyes slowly, for the time being she'd explore the too they'd shoved her in. Keeping a weary glanced on the new person in the room with her Kaya began to explore the room, it was larger and seemed void of anything except the door they'd been tossed through. Why put them in a room with nothing? We're they expecting something to happen? A fight maybe? Sighing softly and lifting a hand to run across the cool wall that signaled she'd reached the other end of the room, Kaya shifted until her back was pressed against it. Sliding down into her arms were wrapped around her drawn up knees, Kaya's emerald eyes closed as a yawn escaped her mouth, she could feel Sano slipping into sleep from whwee they had him. It was early and she knew that, however she'd been kept awake all night and it was starting to catch up with her. Tail wrapping around her bare feet and ears drooping she allowed her eyes to close, she wasn't going to sleep, not with this person here with her and Sano not by her side. Though she hopes if she faked it, whatever was wanted from them would be explained or at least set into motion.