Sonia's entire body was still, eyes closed, ears poised for any sounds moving through the barracks. That's when she heard them, the familiar thud of thick military-grade boots. Suddenly, her door was unlocked, and opened, and two men stood before her. At first, she paid them no mind, opting to keep her eyes closed, and ears listening. A moment passed before she was grabbed off of her bed and pulled toward the door. She didn't bother fighting, or struggling, and allowed them to guide her down the hallway until the sound of a running truck filled her ears. [color=00aeef][i]Mm... I guess it's finally time for a move.[/i][/color] She didn't bother speaking, or protesting as she was pushed into the back of a large black van, the doors quickly slammed behind her. The night previous, Reri had been taken from her and put in a small dog carrier. Much like her half-fox counterpart, Reri knew better than to fight, and simply let the soldiers take her. They both knew the move was coming, and where they were going. The main scientist that studied her at the first facility had told her that she was being prepped to be sent to the training grounds. The male seemed slightly perplexed at the fact that she hadn't been moved earlier, but chalked it up to bureaucratic red tape. Sonia didn't seem surprised. Her departure was probably delayed due to her prior behavioral issues. [hr] The ride in the van was about 8 hours, and when she was finally pulled from the vehicle she found the afternoon sun seated high in the sky. A few feet from her were the gates into the obviously large training facility. It was finally time for her to be situated into the life of a true soldier, it seemed. But, was she truly ready for that? After an attempt to make a step toward the gate, Sonia was pulled back, and one of the soldiers standing on either side of her grabbed his radio. [i]"Trickster has been relocated, send one of the subjects with armed escorts to guide her."[/i] He spoke, his voice deep and cold. After a moment there was a response of verification on his radio, and so the trio waited for her escort to arrive.