[@Weird Tales][@Dutchess Sarah][@SouffleGirl123] Brynn's face lit up as the candy lifted off the table and continued beaming even after it fell down. That was a spell from one of the latter chapters in the book of spells grade one, they'd probably even learn it later that year. [color=fff79a]"Isaak that's amazing!! That's way ahead of were we're starting, like chapter eight or something in the book of spells! How'd you get it to work!You must be very talented! Lavender did you see!! It was This far off the table!"[/color] She held her hands a little farther apart than how far off the table the candy had gotten. [color=fff79a]"It must be nice growing up in the wizarding world. Not that the not wizard world isn't good, just, it's less magical."[/color] Brynn said whimsically, seemingly calm for the first time since she'd gotten on the train. Perhaps because for the first time since she'd gotten on the train she'd become afraid. She'd had friends for the first time in her life, and while she figured she was doing a fine job of keeping them now, she wondered if they'd be split up once they got to hogwarts, and that she'd have to start over again. It was a silly thing to worry about, just a thing that some how came to mind and made itself at home most unwelcomed. None the less she inhaled deeply and put back on a brave, happy, face.