Head jerking up at the words, Kaya's lips pulled back and a soft snarl escaped her lips, rising to her bare feet she reached for the hair ties that she kept around her wrists. "I'm still under the effects of a injection they stabbed into me before I was transported here. From there I've been tested upon and haven't been given time to sleep, barely any good to eat. Do you think I'd help them?" Her voice was soft but the words seemed to echo in the room, fingers absently tying her long hair back and away from her face, she relaxed and eyed the male before her. "Help me get out of here? With both of us it should be easy, I'd like explore a bit." Her emerald eyes flashed briefly as she scans the room once more, moving towards the door, Kaya hums sodfly as her knuckles wrap on the metal, with both of them pushing, the door would give quicker then if only one of them pushed, nodding she half-turned to the other male and waited for a response. [@Classpet]