[b]Terrance Nestan[/b] [color=0054a6]"Do you know what house your going to be in? Hogwarts house, of course."[/color] Terrance turns back to Cal at his question. "[color=ed1c24]Yeah, I've thought about that a bit. And really, I'm not sure. My dad was in Gryffindor, but my mom was in Ravenclaw. I doubt I'll be in Slytherin...I mean, from what I hear, they are a bit more serious and elitist and less...I don't know...well, me. Though that said, they also still have their history of turning out the highest percentage of dark wizards, and I could [/color][color=9e0b0f]technically[/color] [color=a36209]see[/color] [color=598527]myself[/color] [color=007236]laughing[/color] [color=00a651]maniacally over the burning corpses of the pathetic fools who dare to stand against me.[/color]" He glibly says the last sentence with a look of semi-mock serious consideration, stroking his chin. "[color=ed1c24]Of course, on the other hand I could also see myself completely ruining my dark wizard self's plans with a bit of dashing derring do and a generous portion of style, all 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!' just before activating the muggle explosives I planted under evil me's feet, which seems like a fairly Gryffindor trait. Probably. And I don't really know what the heck the Hufflepuff traits are...the only thing I can say for some degree of surety, is that I probably won't be in Ravenclaw. As I said, my mom was one, and I really can't see me being anything like her.[/color]"