[@SomeoneSomewere] [color=8493ca]"Dusk told... me. Raven-speak is for ravens. Not... for others."[/color] Kian shrugged. [color=8493ca]"I... only spoke to Dusk. Then... came here. Can't always... remember human-speak."[/color] He figured he might as well explain why his speech was so fragmented; he guessed he'd be seeing a lot of non-birds, and would need to practice. Hopefully he'd relearn human language as easily as he learned raven-speak. [color=8493ca]"Wish I... could fly."[/color] He grumbled. [color=8493ca]"Landbound... not good for ravens."[/color] Kian then realized that he'd spoken more in a few minutes than he had in years, and shut up. His throat was beginning to hurt a bit from the unfamiliar exercise, anyway. The demi-raven stalked along behind Austin, frowning slightly. Were it not for the chains, he would have looked almost menacing, clad in black and oddly scarred as he was. Instead, he looked like just another prisoner, discontent with his lot and unable to change it.