Nuclear Physics was boring; like usual. It wasn't really the professor's fault. Martin Stein was always an animated teacher. He spoke with his hands, taught loudly when he became excited and knew the material backwards and forwards. He was the mind behind the firestorm matrix, after all. Sadly, no amount of excitement on the doctor's part made learning Nuclear Physics anymore bearable. But S'tann had to stomach the class if he wished to improve his chances of joining the Teen Titans. Legacy had never told anyone before, but his ultimate goal at Corrigan was to get recruited into one of the various Titan teams located across the states. The Teen Titans was just a stepping stone to the Justice League; without time on one of the junior teams, his chances of passing the Justice League's rigorous and relentless recruitment process dropped dramatically. While it was possible to make it onto one of the offshoot branches without prior experience, the main team (who's roster only changed when one of the big names died or retired) wanted only the best. Then S'tann would be one step closer to becoming a full-blown Manhunter. The mere thought was enough to make the Martian momentarily stop hating Nuclear Physics. A Manhunter! Every Martian child dreamed of joining the Corps that so vigilantly protected Mars from invasion. It was not only a badge of honor but an exciting position that promised perilous adventure after perilous adventure to any who worked hard enough to achieve the esteemed rank. Except..there was no Mars. Well, there was; technically. But the population of the Red Planet had been all but wiped off the map. S'tann and M'gann were suspected to be the last White Martians that hadn't gone absolutely insane; the rest of them were imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. J'onn was the only Green left. He killed the last of his kind, a woman named D'kay, for attacking his adopted niece. They were the last of the Martians. That's why S'tann would rebuild Mars. With his own two hands, he would find a why to repopulate his homeworld before his uncle passed. J'onn had fought so diligently to save his fellow Martians. Yet, the one day he was not in the Sol System, [b]he[/b] showed up. The one who shall not be named. The Dark Lord. The Master of Darkness. That Dark God who's armies of demons poured forth from their boom tubes and burned Mars to the ground. The Manhunters attempted to fight back. But there was no stopping him; nothing that could slow him down. Everyone perished, in time. If J'onn had been there he likely would have fallen as well. S'tann could still remember the fire...That unnatural, dark flame consuming his lush planet. Mars was so fertile. But all that life served only to fuel the inferno. Mars, once green with life, was stained red with the blood of billions. [i]Mars...[/i] The bell rang and S'tann was jolted from his thoughts. Doctor Stein gave the students their assignments and the horde of half-awake zombies shuffled out into the hall. S'tann density-shifted his way through the wall and joined those lifeless corpses in their walk to the next meaningless class. [i]Speaking of class...[/i]He wondered to himself, retrieving a schedule from the backpack of a student in front of him.[i] Ah, yes! A.R.C is this hour![/i] A.R.C was easily Legacy's most interesting class. He got to learn while also reveling in his favorite activity: kicking the shit out of other supers. John Stewart was the instructor today, if S'tann remembered correctly. Green Lanterns fascinated him. Their rings were so powerful and guided by an energy source modern science couldn't explain. [i]I wonder what a Martian with a power ring would look like.. Probably terrifying.[/i] Once he was out of the Quadrangle, Legacy took to the sky. He soured over the heads of the other students, heading towards the circular dome that housed the Augmented Reality Center. He moved as quickly as his telekinetic-based flight would allow; he didn't want to be late to the session. Okay, so there were two classes S'tann didn't hate. (He changes his mind often. Want to fight him about it? No? I didn't think so.) Anyway; the Martian reached the dome after a little less than a minute, landing outside the building. He phased his way through the other students, pushing through the door into the building's foyer. The Martian floated a few inches above the ground, maintaining his original form as he scanned the room for threats. He noticed Mailsi, the Silver Banshee, talking to that fairy king. She'd be trouble; her wail could put down any of the heavy hitters. Casey wouldn't be a problem for S'tann. He didn't know the guy well, but from he'd heard all he knew were a few parlor tricks. Mari was supposed to be around here somewhere. Julian, too. There were a number of students Legacy didn't recognize. Hopefully Kieran was signed up for today. He'd make this [i]really[/i] interesting. What with their altercation earlier, and their relatively close power levels. There was only one student the Martian secretly hoped hadn't showed up today. She might be out sick. Or in a coma from a car accident. Maybe she upped and left the school for good; that'd be the best news S'tann had heard all year. Then she walked through the doors to the A.R Center. Nora Norwich. [i]Oh god in heaven.[/i] S'tann floated away from the front of the center, nuzzling himself into a corner behind a group of conversing students. He tried to play it off as cool; like he didn't really care what was going on. He crossed his arms, shape shifting into his human form to make himself appear smaller. S'tann thought of himself as pretty brave. He'd throw down with Sinestro any day of the week. He'd face Black Adam head on. Hell, Legacy wouldn't flinch if someone told him he'd be fighting Professor Zoom. He could handle them. But what he couldn't handle was fire; especially black fire. He'd rather take on Superman than that girl. [i]Maybe she'd trip and kill herself. Yeah, let's hope for that.[/i]