[hider=Jackson Miller] [center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/IkPiAbe.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Full name:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Jackson William Miller[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Friends have a habit of calling him 'Jax', a name he usually begrudgingly responds to. Those close to him, including his significant others, usually give him a more affectionate 'Jackie' - Unless you're pretty close with him, calling Jackson this is a pretty sure-fire way to upset him.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Male ♂.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]November, 22.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Heterosexual. Public knowledge.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Appearance / Notable physical features:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Jackson is a little over 6 feet and 2 inches, with a fairly average build. He exercises regularly enough to have somewhat of a muscular build, but he's certainly no body builder, if anything, he'd only be a little above average in terms of muscle mass. His skin is partially tanned, hinting to his European heritage. He keeps a thin beard, neatly trimmed and groomed to be just a little more than stubble, apart from his hair, it exists as the major focus of his style choices. His hair is generally kept short, but long enough to be styled every which-way. His jawline is reasonably sharp, and apart from a few, very small and light moles on his face, he has no real marks on his face. The entirety of Jackson's arms up to the wrists are covered in long sleeve tattoos, which connect to a large tattoo on his back, running down to the middle of his spine. The tattoos themselves have little connection or meaning, ranging from images of Dragons and Skeletons to notable video game characters. Jackson's wardrobe varies significantly depending on whether he's working or relaxing. At work, he generally wears a pair of cargo pants, generally tucked over his large black combat boots, and somewhat of a tight black t-shirt, along with two hoodies when it's cold, one from the University of Sydney, Australia, and another he wears more frequently styled from the game Starcraft. Otherwise, he usually sticks to collared shirts and jeans.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]To sum up Jackson's general personality, one would probably use the term 'Joker' - he's sarcastic, witty and generally finds a way to laugh off any situation. Unfortunately, his timing isn't the best as a result, and he has some difficulty taking total responsibility in a serious situation, when it's easier for him to make some joke or laugh about it. He always means well though, and generally attempts to use his sense of humour to make others happy or to cheer them up if they've been having a bad day. Overall he's a very friendly, helpful guy, he's often happy to lend a hand in whatever way he can and has somewhat of a habit of handing out far more favours than he calls for, always without any form of complaint. Generally, Jackson is a fairly charismatic individual, and is pretty easy to get on with, Jackson's enemies are essentially nonexistent, and usually becomes friends with anyone he spends enough time around, usually able to see the good sides of anyone. Considering his capability to get along with others, Jackson is almost impossible to anger. He maintains that he has not been properly angry since 2007, although there are a few specific things one can do to piss him off. When he's upset, generally Jackson will avoid making an issue out of it as long as he can avoid it, generally preferring to stay quiet and wait things out as opposed to risking the issue being made worse. He is no coward however, and can and will take the initiative to deal with an issue head-on, if there is no other alternative. Despite being fairly charismatic, Jackson's somewhat of an introvert, and prefers to avoid being at the center of attention in a party, he never holds parties or get-togethers of his own, but will usually go along to them without incident, as long as he can stick around his closer friends. When it comes to relationships, Jackson usually is of a one-track mind. Usually, Jackson avoids intimacy to a significant degree, due to a fear of commitment. Many of Jackson's past relationships have lasted a few months, a couple of sexual encounters, and then a fairly dull breakup, apart from a few more dramatic instances. [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Roommate-ness:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Jackson is not the best roommate, to put it bluntly. He is committed enough to keeping communal spaces, like the living room and kitchen, fairly clean, though he doesn't really have much of a problem with leaving out last night's Chinese takeout until it starts to stink. When it comes to his own room, it's a much different story with Jackson, his mother continues to describe his bedroom as a 'hive of scum and villainy', usually a total sty, with clothes and empty bottles and cans scattered all over the place. The only area of his room that is kept clean is the area of his desk where his computer is, kept in almost impeccable condition so that he can work and play at it much easier. Jackson usually needs a little push from his roommates in remembering more important things, like when the rent is due, and when there might be an inspection, as he usually has no initiative in the more administrative aspects of living. Generally, Jackson tries to make as little trouble for his roommates as he can, and with a little pushing and prodding, he will happily clean up any mess he's made, however he does have a habit of staying up to ungodly hours of the night playing video games and commentating on e-sports games, which is a habit he's taken up as somewhat of a second job. He doesn't really care about people coming in and out of his room, provided they knock first, after a few awkward incidents with an old roommate. He's very relaxed when it comes to his own room, and never really thinks anyone could make it worse than he already has.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Public records / Bio:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Born in Sydney, Australia, Jackson spent much of his young life as somewhat of a miscreant, his father a police officer, and so an authority figure he always liked to defy. He regularly got himself into trouble at school and with the police, and much of his childhood at school was spent in detention, or the principals office. After 8th grade, his behaviour and grades began to improve significantly, and Jackson eventually was awarded dux of his class in 11th Grade, doing well enough in the final year of his high schooling to go to the illustrious University of Sydney. Having always held a love for music, but too much stage fright to really perform himself, he took a course in audio-engineering and musical theory. Completing the course, he began to contact people he'd met during the course and online, searching for work, eventually managing to secure work at a fairly big venue in Los Angeles. Moving over to the US, Jackson struggled at first to find somewhere to live, and for the first few weeks in LA he lived in a rental van outside his work, eventually managing to get an apartment with some co-workers. In the two years he's lived in LA, Jackson's had a number of different relationships, the longest lasting roughly five months, and he's begun to involve himself in the scene of professional gaming. Jackson has a Youtube Channel for gameplay and commentary on shooters, and works every now and then as a commentator of esports events. [quote=Excerpt from Liquipedia article]Jackson 'Infern0' Miller (Born 5 November, 1993) is a StarCraft II commentator from Australia, currently residing in the United States. Jackson first became involved in StarCraft II after entering the WCS California regional qualifier and achieving second place, after this incident he began his Youtube channel under the name 'Infern0' to focus on providing gameplay for StarCraft and Counter-Strike. He regularly commentates for WCS and ESL.[/quote][/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Vices:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]• Jackson is a casual smoker, generally he'll only smoke at parties or when he's had a particularly rough day, but he almost always carries a pack of cigarettes on him, usually he'll be fairly antsy if he doesn't have it with him. • Jackson has what some would consider a mild drinking problem, he regularly has one or two beers with dinner, and spends a reasonable amount of his salary on beer and whisky, though he tries to avoid getting drunk when he does drink. [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Skills:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]• Bass Guitar. Jackson has been playing the instrument since he was young, though he mostly does it as a hobby, being far too much of an introvert to actually consider performing with it, despite any skill he really has with the instrument. • Mechanics/Tech. Jackson knows his way away around most aspects of the musical trade, generally able to fix most if not all problems with most instruments and peripherals. He also has this skill in relation to cars, having spent some of his time during University working at a Car Repair company. • Resourceful. Jackson's charismatic attitude and his ability to make connections has allowed him to meet with some fairly important figures in the scene, and makes him a definite 'in' for any aspiring band looking to make it big, he's good for helping to get people together, particularly managers and venue-owners.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Other:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]• Half of Jackson's bedroom is essentially a workshop, usually scattered with parts of amps, guitars and microphones which he works on modifying, fixing and just generally screwing around with. • Jackson won a 1967 Chevrolet Impala in a random draw a few months after coming to the US, and he treats it especially well. It is his main way of getting around, and he never lets anyone drive it but himself. • Jackson is also a huge momma's boy, and generally tries to call his mother every night he is able, usually, he'll be fairly upset if he is unable to.[/indent] [/hider]