[center][color=00aeef][h2]Tori[/h2][/color][/center] She was late, not that anyone would notice or realise that she way late, but it did cause her to pick up the pace. Tori was currently invisible and intangible, running though the crowd making a bee line for the Observer Division headquarters. A last minute call to a meeting that was already happening? Sure why not. [color=00aeef][i]Still when I can turn invisible, who's to say I wasn't there the entire time? Or even early?[/i][/color] Arriving Tori walked through all obstacles and reached the stage, tiredly standing next to Yggdrasil [color=00aeef][i]Why oh why do I need to take time out of work to come to this thing? There are so many better things I could be doing[/i][/color] Tori really didn't want any of these Observers to see her, which in a way is ironic given their name, but still she was a member of the Intelligence Division, standing in the presence of the Observer Division leader. An odd sight to say the least... if anyone could see it. Honestly she found this job of working with the Observer's as yet another chore that would cut into her precious research time. Tori half hoped that she would be able to use this holiday to make a breakthrough or gather her sick days together to have a solid month of exploring Arcadia. Alas duty called and when that duty is in the form of Yggdrasil, you wouldn't dare say no. Looking over the crowd of Observers, Tori wondered why all of these members would gather in one place. Surely the greatest asset of being an Observer would be anonymity? If people know who the watchmen are, they know who to avoid. Frowning Tori watched the crowd disperse to perform their role as eyes and ears throughout the exciting events to come as a part of the celebrations. Yawning in her invisible state Tori sat down and waited for the last few stragglers to leave. [color=00aeef][i]These have to be grunts or something...[/i] [/color]Looking up at the towering Platinum Guardian and heard the order to follow. Taking her time, Tori stood up and brushed herself off, wanting to delay this as long as possible, but knowing that in was inevitable. [color=00aeef][i]I just want to go to Arcadia again... is that too much to ask? Well, maybe it is, it’s not exactly an easy walk, but still! Ugh... I’ll probably have to work tomorrow as well. Cancelling classes doesn’t mean the library’s doors will be shut...[/i][/color] letting out a resigned sigh she followed Yggdrasil without voicing her annoyance. The leader of the Observer division wouldn’t really care anyway. [color=00aeef][i]I should just have a little house built up there...[/i][/color]