Lavender smiled at Anna-Jayne. She wasn't so different from her and Brynn after all, she only showed her anxiety in a different way. "[color=92278f]I guess we all have our ways to deal with stress and the unknown. Maybe she just needs the time to get used to all of this. She seems nice.[/color]" Lavender thought to herself before saying: "[i][color=ec008c]I know, right? I'm not one to get bad marks, either, and I don't mind putting the work in. I suppose magic is no different? I mean, we are being sent to school to learn, right? We should be able to pick it up by making an effort, right? But still... it's one thing to change schools, we'd have to do that anyway. But this is so much more. It's like changing lives or something. You kind of just wake up one day and realise nothing is what you thought it was. I ended up looking in the mirror every once in a while, just checking if I was still me.[/color][/i]" Lavender giggled as she remembers her first reaction to all the overwhelming news she'd had. "[i][color=ec008c]The headmisstress came to talk to us, and mum and dad were great sports about it. I've always been weird, and they are fine with that, somehow. I think they mind me going to school so far from home more than they minded my being a witch. Come to think of it, I don't think they were very surprised at all. They seemed to know what was up as soon as the Headmisstress showed up at our door. They seemed relieved as well as excited and nervous.[/color][/i]" Lavender revelled at this realisation, and realised she'd been too caught up in her own feelings to have eyes for anything else that was happening around her. This left her wondering exactly how much her parents had known about her history and why they'd never told her. She trusted her parents and knew they loved her, but still... She'd have to send April home soon after all, to get a few answers. [@Classpet] [@SouffleGirl123] [@Weird Tales]