Minami yawned [color=lightblue]"It's a pain that we have to wake up this early for class."[/color] Ryo yawned along with Minami as they walked into class, and took their seat in the middle row to be able to get a decent view of the lessons. Minami had no care as to where they sat, so it would be up to him to pick a spot otherwise they'd might as well be sitting on the floor. As they sat Ryo looked to Minami while he put his hand to his right cheek, and then took it off as he put two fingers up. [color=lightblue]"Of course I make you get up 2 hours earlier than I do. You need to practice as much as you can to become stronger."[/color] Ryo huffed through his nose, and then took out a book to read while they waited for class to start. Meanwhile, Minami would work on being able to detect souls with those that were already in class. It was something that she was fairly decent at, but wanted to strengthen to be able to become a better meister. The others in the class didn't need to know she was doing it either since her skill level on it was still a 40% success rate; at best. As Sid walked in Minami, and Ryo stopped what they were doing, and started preparing for class. That is, until their names were called. Ryo had froze at the calling of his name while Minami smiled from cheek to cheek as she continuously nudged him from excitement. [color=lightblue]"Lord Death wants us Ryo."[/color] She whispered to him while Sid continued calling names. Ryo nodded multiple times before her nudges were starting to hurt, so he grabbed her arm as she tried to nudge again, and scowled at her. [color=lightblue]"Oh, sorry."[/color] She stopped nudging him, but her smile stayed as it was; excited. [color=lightblue]"Think about it though."[/color] [i][color=darkred]I [b]AM[/b] thinking about it. [/color][/i] [color=lightblue]"We're not in trouble because we haven't been causing any, so it must be for something else."[/color] He nodded in agreement. [color=lightblue]"Exactly!"[/color] Both of them got up as they grabbed their things, and followed Sid to the Death Room. It wasn't often that they were summoned, so their walk there was interesting enough for them to look around as they walked like they were tourists getting the VIP tour. Once there Ryo looked at all of the others that were also listed on the sheet Sid read from. Everyone was quite interesting in a way that made Ryo wonder if he was the weakest in the bunch of skilled weapons. He didn't know all of them, but had heard of a few who had a reputation for causing fights, and practically winning them like Sulley. Getting back to the conversation at hand both meister, and weapon paid close attention to what Lord Death was saying. Minami grinned as Lord Death continued to explain to them why they were summoned, and by the end of the conversation was practically ready to go out there and show everyone what she and Ryo were made of. Suddenly, she heard Corvus burst out with the [i]"I don't like the people here"[/i] speech. [color=lightblue]"EXCUSE M-" [/color] Ryo grabbed her arm as he saw Sulley beat up his own meister. Minami quickly turned to Ryo while he shook his head, and then let out a "tch" as she forcefully got out of Ryos grasp. [color=lightblue] "Whether you like it or not we're going to work as a team, so deal with it."[/color] Minami practically spat at Corvus. Ryo placed his hand on his forehead. [i][color=darkred]Why'd you add that comment? You know it's easy for Corvus to get upset.[/color][/i] [@FallenTrinity]