So it's time for a confession: I've only ever roleplayed a few advanced games before, all of them fun but this is my first time being the GM of one (and this is officially my second go as a GM in any game). But I'm getting this warm fuzzy feeling in my gut cause these first posts are amazing and some characters are gravitating toward others in real interesting ways. :3 it's awesome. Great work so far. I'm in the middle of my next post with more insight on Wu and his problems, this Unity dude, an introduction to struggles at the Synergy plant and how it'll effect the City real soon. More details on the Parade which is already going to have guest appearances from the talented Jie and maybe some floral surprises from a particular flower shop. Going to PM you [@Madly33] shortly to brainstorm some Tu Zin stuffs. A lot of work to do but the Great thing about being unnecessarily singled out and attacked by some kind of flu is I have time to think and write... mostly because I'm being forced to stay in this bed.