It's been quite the surprise for Cassandra when she heard the news about Oking. She was on a scavenging run for a good while in the opposite direction, before she finally returned to Silvershaw and learned the news. Naturally her first thought was slavers or something equally bad so she quickly agreed with the mayor's plan when he decided to send people south to Oking to investigate what had transpired there. Cassie just quickly stocked up on a little bit of supplies after she sold of her unneeded junk, before the group departed and now she was comfortably feeling prepared for possible dangers. The metal longbow on her back was nearly as big as her and had clearly went through some transformations since she wast had returned to these parts. The arrows in the quiver had also went up a notch in quality. The claws on her gauntlets were also freshly sharpened in case she has to tear up someone up close. At Duela's words, Cassandra's eye twitched. She was always expecting troubles when she was away from home... which was basically all the time. She liked people, but preferred to be prepared just in case. Now it was not different. The silence was not helping any though. It made the hair on the back of her neck stand up... This lack of sounds was indicative that there probably no one left in here. Or at least that's what she though before their leader finally led them to a place where voices began to appear. As with the rest, Cassandra quickly resorted to hiding and stalking at the situation that was unfolding. She slowly took her bow from her back, extremely careful to not make any sound. Judging by what they were hearing, the group this people were part of were probably responsible for whatever happened... maybe. They had the man's son after all. She was just about ready to shoot them herself when the big man attacked the 3 thugs and then another archer appeared... an archer who turned to be the man's... wife? They were the only ones left here? Cassandra's head turned sharply as Duela left the hiding stop and made her way to the couple. At first the former slave tightened her grip on her bow, but then quickly relaxed and nimbly put it on her back again, also showing from her hiding place, but keeping some distance away. Still, she kept alert for anything else out of the ordinary. If there were 3 thugs... there probably were more around. They tended to move in big numbers because of their lack of personal strength and guts to take on difficulties singlehandedly...