Kobuto watched somewhat entertained. He also felt something interesting, through his book. Useless as the pages were, the volume itself continued to function. He intended to fix the paper issue as well however. [color=brown][i]The Chakra's smaller.... no, that's not it. It's feeling scattered across those papers. Some [i]feel[/i] larger as they are closer, others no so much. Your main chakra is less dense, you must be lowering it. Your chakra is unique, and hard to figure out, I've not felt any like it before. It's like doing a rubix cube...while blindfolded... and drunk. So nothing I haven't done before. Now should I render his chakra scattered techniques moot, or study it a bit more? It's a hard decision, letting a man like that have what he wants is always dangerous, but my other option would render me even less able. I'm still recovering my mobility a bit, and he just might catch on soon enough. If he does, I might just be a bit hurt. If he doesn't, well, that's his problem.[/i][/color] Kobuto started on a series of handsigns, tucking his book under his elbow once again. Once 3 were reached, he would use [i]Jade Books of Heaven: Jeweled Spear Creation[/i] to refresh his book. He would continue to prepare himself with more handsigns afterwards, Genmyou was, he didn't want to be caught offguard. A smile flashed seeing the barrier flash. [color=brown][i]Well.... this might work out well. A barrier that he can control.... how unfortunate for him.[/i][/color] The bulges in the wall would reach the ground, then much to Genmyou's prediction, they did not simply flee the building. They headed at him at an angle. They wouldn't come straight under him, but would taunt him in a circular motion, closing in on the barrier, but not touching it.