[hider=David] Name: David Blackford Appearance: David suffers from the usual charred, rotting skin of a ghoul, but unlike most managed to keep a nearly-full head of hair, though it has gone from its former chocolate brown to an ashy grey color. His eyes have also changed, now a bright orange, reminiscent of the atomic fire that scorched the earth a year ago. He is 5 feet 11 inches in height, and has a weight of 178 pounds. Race: Ghoul S.P.E.C.I.A.L: For consistency, let's say 40 points worth Strength: 5 Perception: 5 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 7 Intelligence: 6 Agility: 7 Luck: 5 Skills: Guns(Major), Speech(Major), Medicine(Minor), Repair(Minor), Survival(Minor) Perks: Gun Nut 1, Educated Personality: A devout Christian, David believes in doing good for those who do good for him. He always volunteers to help those in need, whether that means building a house, or blowing the brains out of a raider's head. He enjoys a good joke, good friends, and good food. He's all-around a nice guy. Bio: David does not divulge upon his life before the war, as he sees thinking on it as a pointless endeavor. He prefers to focus on how people can build up the world they have now. Seeing the Great War as the Wrath of God unleashed upon humanity, and that there are people who still have not learned from the mistake, David takes it upon himself to bring the judgement of God to those who have begun to prey on weaker survivors. He does not preach, he does not hold prayer sermons, he merely wanders the wasteland, bringing swift justice to bandit and raider types. Equipment: He keeps a backpack on him, with a bedroll tied to the bottom of it. Said backpack contains approx. 1 week's supply of food and water, = a decent stock of ammo, mainly in .45 caliber for his handgun, and a small supply of medical items. On his hip he keeps a .45 caliber handgun, nicknamed the 'Hand of God' by David. His main outfit consists of the tattered black clothes of a Catholic priest, with a holster tied to the waist, and a worn but serviceable Bible hanging from his belt by a clasp. [/hider]