[hider=e d g e m a s t e r .][center][b][i]f a c e .[/i][/b][/center] [center][hider][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Alucard.%28Hellsing%29.full.1479347.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center][b][i]m a g i c .[/i][/b][/center] [center][hider][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/2s7vsi1.png[/img][/hider][/center] [center][b][i]w e a p o n .[/i][/b][/center] [center][hider][img]http://i67.tinypic.com/dpg3t0.png[/img][/hider][/center] [b]n a m e .[/b] [color=#A02422]Orochi Shibata[/color] [b]g e n d e r .[/b] [color=#A02422]Male[/color] [b]g r a d e .[/b] [color=#A02422]Year Three[/color] [b][color=#A02422]b i o .[/color][/b] When Orochi was little, his mom told him he was special, and it all went downhill from there. He grew up spoiled and self-entitled, a brat who wanted gold spoons instead of silver because he believed silver was for commoners. These childish tantrums dissipated as he grew into adolescence and were replaced by something his parents were even more horrified by: edge. The moment Orochi turned thirteen, he promptly shut himself in his room and spent his mornings mindlessly sulking in the corner. His wardrobe, previously mostly composed of expensive argyle sweaters, started to overflow with equally-as-expensive but purposefully-worn-down black skinny jeans, metal band tees, and leather jackets. He was determined to transform into what he had seen in animes he had coveted as a child. He would become an OP main protagonist. This transition went smoothly upon entering high school as most of his classmates began to ostracize him due to his exceedingly callous and rude manner of speaking, which he assumed was due to his burgeoning "bad boy" reputation. By reading internet guides on how to look like a mysterious cool dude, Orochi eventually memorized how to act charming, seductive, and satisfactorily dark. Instead of studying, Orochi skipped class and smoked weed in the school bathrooms. In his free time, Orochi terrorized innocent girls and convinced himself the terrified look in their eyes was actually tentative adoration, and as he became more skilled at acting the brooding archetype, those looks eventually did turn into adoration. Finally, girls were flocking to him despite his dismissal of their feelings. Orochi was living the dream anime life. All he needed was superhuman powers, and he was set for life. [b][color=#A02422]s e m p a i .[/color][/b] Despite his numerous female admirers, Orochi refuses to tie himself down with one girl for longer than a period of two weeks, in which he stalks her and then flees, screaming "I'm too dangerous for you!" Inside his cold dead heart, he yearns for a girl just as unrealistic and attractive as him. [/hider]