When the expedition to Oking was announced, it was only natural that one of the Rangers would come along. Experienced trackers, scouts, and survivalists, as well as capable of holding their own in a fight, the presence of a Ranger was handy for most forays outside of Silvershaw's borders. When the Mayor asked the Rangers for assistance, Aaron was one of the first to be chosen amongst the small ranks of the Rangers, due to his knowledge of the general area. Aaron agreed and rounded up his gear. Next thing he knew, he was trudging around the ruins of Oking with the rest of the expedition, crossbow in hand. He had his scarf wrapped around his face, the brown fabric serving as a rudimentary air filter to keep the thick grime in the air from entering his lungs. His crossbow rested casually in his hands as he walked, bolt already knocked and loaded, though his finger remained off the trigger, and the weapon's safety mechanism stayed on. Cradling his pre-war weapon in his arms, Aaron walked some 20 meters ahead of the group, allowing him to remain in relative earshot and vision, while allowing him to scout out their path ahead. He didn't hear much of the conversation between the expedition group behind him, though he was too busy listening to his surroundings to pay much attention to the conversation anyway. It wasn't until the neared the old WWI memorial did Aaron start hearing voices. Dropping to a knee and looking back at the others, he held out a hand, indicating that there was something ahead and that they should be cautious. Making his way one of the nearby stores- the old bombed out cafe that Duela had singled out- Aaron made his way around the building, and deftly scaled it using a pile of rubble and a old dumpster to help him reach the second story of the destroyed shop. Most of the second story was gone- rubble and open sky where the roof and walls would be. Most of the floor was missing as well. Nevertheless, Aaron creeped his way slowly along the remaining floorboards and found himself a spot behind the remains of a wall that he could peer over. From what he could see, the conversation consisted of two sides: a trio of seedy looking grunts, and a larger man. Aaron easily switched the safety on his crossbow off, but didn't swing his body out from behind the wall to fire, opting to stay hidden. There was a short argument, followed by a twang of a bowstring, and within the blink of an eye, the three thugs had been incapacitated by the big man and what appeared to be his wife. Aaron grimaced as he heard Duela's voice ring out shortly afterwards, and watched with a degree of dread as she began walking out towards them. She should've at least discussed some sort of plan with them before deciding on her own what they were going to do. His grip tightened on his crossbow, he was ready to spring around and fire at a moment's notice. His sharp eyes caught a ghoul stumbling over masonry a bit aways before he heard it. He had no idea if it was feral or not, though its manner of dress and the bow it held seemed to indicate that it was the latter. Aaron was tempted to shoot it right then and there- it'd be an easy shot too, the ghoul had lost its footing and had fallen, but he opted not to, as to not blow his concealment. Instead he opted to keep an eye on the ghoul as well as the exchange about to happen between Duela and the couple ahead.