I wait for Erion to leave, and think one final thing before leaving the wyvern... [i]Maybe one day... but, not today, I guess...[/i] I then take out a small piece of meat, and toss it to the wyvern before trying to make sure that it was properly restrained, or, at least, restrained enough for the stablehand to get back, and actually make sure the thing doesn't fly away in the night... however, I wasn't very good at tying knots, so it was likely that I not only used the wrong one, but, also did it wrong. I then wondered why Erion didn't try to do this, though, the wyvern did seem oddly obedient for something that just threw me into a tree earlier. Everyone seemed pretty depressed over something as I left for my tent, and my only response was "I saw one of the possible traitors leave the tent. I couldn't just let him run off, could I?" my voice made me sound tired, and, just as well, it was getting late, and I was getting sick of everyone blaming us on everything. I noticed a hole in my bag once I got to my tent, but, nothing was missing from it, save for some smaller pieces of meat, which probably left some sort of trail to my tent. As I tried to fall asleep, I tried to figure out where, exactly the trail started, and whether or not it actually led to my tent. For all I knew, it started and ended somewhere in the forest, which, of course, would be bad, as it would lead the zombies on a trail, somewhere. Of course, it also seemed likely that the hole simply led from the stables to my tent, which would be better... but then I might have a wyvern breathing down my neck when I wake up, and that would be weird... but, at least there won't be zombies trying to attack us, as a result of my poor-quality bag.