[@Arista] Jay rose to his feet as well, sharp claws digging into the door as he went. He understood the starvation and the cruelty they had made her endure, having lived through it himself. "Yeah, I'll help you get out. I've been trying to get away for ages, if we manage to get out of here then you can explore. Just, not in this place though. Outside. In the open." He hushed, before returning his attention to the door. With great effort he shoved the knob downward, attempting to break it off. It only bent slightly but it was something at least. He guessed that if the handle could somehow come off then the lock would be exposed, and they'd be able to escape. He'd done it once to his own door ages ago, but after that he hadn't been back in a room with them to try again. Hopefully, he thought, with help from Alpha, or whatever her name was, they'd be able to get out of this prison and far, far away.