Lux had never been to Oking. Her opinion? It seemed a fair bit like Silvershaw, but without the people. Well, most of them. There were two left, at least, now that the fight in the courtyard was done. Lux had positioned herself in a fairly small, ground level guard post at the edge of the courtyard, waiting out the violence. The fight was too confused for her explosives to be of any use; that didn't stop her from holding one of her canned grenades until it was over. She put it carefully back in her pack. Duela left her cover and announced their presence, and that was that. Lux trusted the ghoul woman, not in any personal way, she trusted no one with that, but from what she could tell, Duela was knowledgeable and skilled. Reliable at her job. Lux was just fine with following her lead. If she thought it was safe to approach these people, it was safe. Not that Lux approached. Far from it. She remained in the guard post, crouched down behind the railing of wood planks. It had a covered roof to protect against the frequent rains, but it was largely empty, just a creaky old chair set in the middle next to a table where an old ash tray collected spent cigarettes. There were no weapons to be found, but a box strapped to the side of the railing across from Lux caught her eye. A red cross had been sloppily painted across the face of it. Shifting quietly on all fours over the floor, she pried it away, revealing two unused stimpaks taped to the inside. Jackpot. She grabbed them for herself. No one here was around to need them, right? The ghoul man tumbling in drew her attention back to the courtyard, and she returned to her former spot. Lux peered in the miniscule gap between two planks at the scene, and waited with knife in hand. She was no use to anyone out in the open, least of all herself. Avoiding injury and death was something she'd become quite good at over the course of her life.