[color=8882be][i]Eros had survived with several small cuts on his arms and a shallow gash on his right cheek, but now he was exhausted. Fatigue pulled at him as he stumbled back into the ruins to collect his horse. He hoped he was up for the ride to come, but knew he'd just have to make do as best he could, orders were orders, and the Rangers would likely vanish again as soon as they had finished their work here, so he had to get back to Bree with the others or be left to fend for himself. Mabeline, his mare, snorted and shied from the smell of blood and death on him, but Eros calmed the mare with a few soft words and managed to mount her without embarrassing himself, despite his weariness. He nudged Mabeline into a trot out to where Raven waited, where he pulled up and took stock of his situation. He had his spear, strapped to his back at the moment, next to his bow, and still full quiver, having been delegated to the front line work, he'd had no chance to empty it into the orc ranks. Judging how things had gone, he wondered now how useful his arrows would have been against their thick armor. His skill was no match for those of the elven archers, and he was worried for the elven lass, now slumping in the saddle before Raven. Eros mumbled a few lines, as they tumbled through his head. He wasn't the most cheerful of fellows on good day, this day left him quite drained of good cheer.[/i][/color] [color=fff200]"Blood and souls of elves and men, spilled and soiled in the light of day, by shadows that haunt them still. May they pass in peace to yonder town or western shores, as their heart will. May fortunes and favor be lent to those whose sorrows grow to lessen woes."[/color]