[center][hr][h1][i][color=Chartreuse]Tanya Liberty Lamont[/color].[/i][/h1][hr][/center] Well, people were clearing the classroom mighty quickly. Starting with Mari, Tanya watched as everyone left the classroom. A quick glance at her phone made Tanya roll her eyes. Today was A.R.C training. She totally glanced over that. The girl needed time to mentally prepare herself for the superpower circle-jerk that was A.R.C training. It went without saying that Tanya didn't exactly like training. Given that she was a peaceful soul, going straight into what had to be a warzone was hard... Though, she had to accept that fact if she was going to be a superhero. Though, honestly, she doubt if she could make the cut for the Teen Titans (If the Birds of Prey are looking for another member, then she's down!). She let out a sigh. Tanya figured that she'd head there fast as possible. Figuring that she'll put on a good show... Maybe she'll punk S'Tann this time. She quickly ran out the doors of the Quadrangle, and in a bright show of power, she converted into her Bird of Paradise form. She quickly made her way to the A.R.C building, and landed outside of it by turning back into her default form. Kiwi flew on her shoulder as she sassily walked into the building.. Now, this is where it gets interesting. They had one hell of a group gathered for ARC training. She immediately spotted a few. Tanya saw Kieran talking to Molly. She would have had a chit-chat with the school's superman, but she was going to play it cool. She'll make her moves eventually. There was also the resident dickbag, S'Tann. Doing his thing, and acting edgier than a Linkin Park Album. Long as she's not on his team, she's going to be hunky dory. Andy was chatting up Mari... hmph. She found the boy kinda annoying sometimes, but overall a lighthearted and kind person. At least he was somewhat funny. Another situation that Tanya wasn't going to insert herself into. For the best. She'd hate to piss off John Stewart again for chatting it up in class. [i]"Hay why does Supes wear a cape? Capes are for pussies!"[/i] That's when Mars and his "bro" entered the room, and ruined the peace of the room. Tanya almost spoke up when they insulted Kieran for no good damn reason. These two, between S'Tann, were probably two of the most hated kids on campus. At least, that's what she thought. Only difference was that at least [i]S'tann[/i] knew that people didn't like them. Tanya was never one for insulting peoples sexualities, but that closet is so damn transparent that you can't even hide a chameleon in there. Some other red-haired gal' - Tanya ID'd her as Sugar - walked into the room started speakin' up against the two, and that's when Tanya decided to... bow out. At least to go put her suit on. Kiwi flew into the room behind her as she went into the lockerrooms, and found her own personal locker. But, before she got into that, she ordered Kiwi to fly off and take perch on top of her locker. Last thing she wanted was her precious bird in the middle of a warzone. She was magical, but her bird wasn't! Now where was she...? Tanya pulled out her training suit, and slid it on. It was a nice green color. With her suit on, Tanya decided to simply bid farewell to her parrot, and step into the hallway outside. Now, she hoped that Sugar didn't tear up the building just yet. [center][hr][h1][i][color=Firebrick]Bláthnat "Sugar" Balore[/color].[/i][/h1][hr][/center] From an outsider's perspective, it would appear as if Sugar's training suit zipped itself up. Sugar, or (very begrudgingly known as) Blathnat Balore, was one of the first people to arrive in the ARC building. She already got suited up with the relative comfort of not being intruded on (Well, not that she had to worry about getting pervved on in the girl's side of the lockerrooms). However, she was never alone. Not as long as he was with her. Floating behind her, always guarding her, was her invisible guardian. A psychic entity that she gave the name Sir Reginald. Last time a perv thought about catching a peak, he, instead, caught a hand, and one hell of a flurry of insults as he left with his tail in between his legs! Just another in a long line of stories involving Sugar, and the adventures that her comical temper has lead her to (Many times, ending in detention). Though, not that she enjoyed it. It's everyone else, being cunts, that's the problem! Sugar looked down, and was quite surprised that this training suit had a prosthetic leg. Finally, after years of complaining that ARC training keeps breaking her prosthesis! Now, she was ready. Sugar stepped out of the lockerroom, with her transparent friend ever so vigilant. When she stepped back into the main room, it filled up quite fast! Familiar faces! Though, Sir Reginald telepathically urged her in a certain direction... S'Tann. While S'Tann didn't pay Sugar any mind, she was ever so curious about him. Not in the romantic way, but the telepathic abilities inherent in Martians made Sugar interested in them. Sir Reginald's telepathy wasn't as strong, but he was certainly strong enough to keep the Martian out of her head. While most people hated S'Tann, Sugar was hesitant, only curious because of his telepathic abilities. Though, if he wanted to take it there, Sir Reginald was not weak either! Other than S'Tann, there were the usuals: Mari, Tanya, Kieran, Molly (Oh, Molly!), and so fourth. She was wondering who she could talk to that would keep her at least somewhat entertained before John Stewart begins power training. [i]"Hay why does Supes wear a cape? Capes are for pussies!"[/i] ... And it looks like Sugar found the [i]perfect[/i] people to talk to. Jackass 1, and Jackass 2. Honestly, Sugar was wondering if the whole muscleheaded douchebag act was just a joke just to rile up the class. Sugar isn't laughing. Because every time she gets near these two, she feels like she's trapped by a four-by-four prison cell with nothing to do but blow herself. With one brief telepathic sweep of the room, Sugar was able to glean surface thoughts, and they all had the same sentiments: Mars and Jake were annoying. Yet, no one was speaking out against them. So it looks like it's up to Sugar to be the blunt one and address the elephant in the room. "Hey jackasses," Sugar called out to them, giving them a completely bored look. "Can you stop with the gorilla act? For just one second? It's annoying as hell, and I kinda want to have some peace and quiet before we start this cluster for crying out loud." Sugar grunted.