If I were to make a custom Digimon represented in a visual medium, would a sprite splicing feel/look out of place? Just came to mind as combining the already existing assets and producing some abominations in the sprite style of atleast the later Digimon story series. The ourcome won't be nearly as good no matter how I do it as the following fan made Digimon, Sinkermon: [hider=Sinkermon] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/4776/th/pre/f/2013/319/b/1/digimon_world_fangame__sinkermon_by_midnitez_remix-d69r52i.png[/img] [/hider] For Sinkermon, all credit goes to [url=http://midnitez-remix.deviantart.com/]Midnitez-REMIX on Deviantart[/url]