The sun had only just risen and Megumi was on her way out of a shopkeeper's house. The night before she had gotten quite friendly with the trader, and he had assumed that they were to sleep together that night. However, the sly half-feline had different plans. As they shared a glass of wine in a 'romantically' candle lit room, she had spiked his goblet with a strong sedative. She neatly tucked him into bed, giving him a peck on the forehead before she overturned the entire house, snatching everything of value. This was one of her more daring heists compared to her usual pickpocket acts, and it had gone considerably well. So well that she was confident enough to sleep in the man's bed until morning and then leave him with nothing other than a roof over his head. It wasn't until early morning, after she had stashed away her profits in her well hidden chest, she was walking through the relatively empty streets of Scream Watch. This place was pretty depressing, and she had almost forgotten why she was even there. She felt a presence behind her. Watching. Waiting. She stopped and looked behind herself, only to see nothing. She continued to walk, but more slowly this time. Acting as though she didn't notice anything. A sense of blood lust from a dark alleyway caught her attention. Her ears twitched as she heard very hushed foot steps moving about in the darkness. Suddenly a slight flash of light. She swiveled sideways as a dagger lodged itself into the cobblestone near her feet. A distraction. The unsheathing of metal was simultaneous on both Megumi's and the alleyway's side as a cloaked figure flew out of the darkness. Megumi had only just managed to lift her dagger to try deflect a blow, but she was immediately disarmed, her blade clattering loudly on the stone street. She froze in place as a blade's tip was mere centimeters away from her neck. The cloaked figure chuckled. [color=39b54a]"Very good.."[/color] He said simply as he sheathed his dagger. [color=39b54a]"Megumi Tsukiyama.. Would you like to put your talents to something more...fruitful?"[/color] He added slowly in a deep voice. Perhaps he knew what she had done, or what she had done before, but that didn't matter right now, small details don't matter. [color=ed1c24]"What do you have in mind?"[/color] She inquired with a slight grin. She had calmed down significantly since the man has sheathed his weapon. The man grinned at Megumi's response, [color=39b54a]"We, or should I say, the knight's 've got a little.. Expedition.. going to a city named New Vircastoria. However it requires going through Screamer territory."[/color] He said in a hushed tone, briefly pausing before continuing. [color=39b54a]"Still interested?"[/color] Megumi grinned back at the cloaked man. [color=ed1c24]"Of course."[/color] She responded in a similarly hushed tone. An adventure? Of course she was going to go for that. This place was getting a little too dreary for her to handle, and she was eager to get moving. Especially if she was going to make a lot of profit out of it. She had already dealt with Screamers before, they were nothing to 'scream' and shout about. [color=39b54a]"That's good to hear. The group gathers at twelfth stretch, at the gates."[/color] He said, turning away. Before Megumi could even respond, the man had disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway. As the day rolled on, the twelfth stretch had come. Megumi didn't have a lot to pack. Just a sleeping bag, a leather skin of water and, of course, her weaponry. She wasn't really equipped with a lot of camping gear, since she spent most of her time under a roof at night. As she arrived at the gate, her eyes immediately locked on the giant beetle and then moved up slightly at the man who sat on it. [color=ed1c24][i]This'll be interesting.[/i][/color] She thought. There was a human next to the beetle, with a horse. A knight. But it wasn't a normal knight. His clothing and the way he moved, even ever so slightly, to greet her. A stealthy one indeed. [color=0054a6]"And another one joins us. We'll be moving out soon."[/color] to which Megumi smiled, [color=ed1c24]"I'll be in your care."[/color] She responded, with a slight curtsy with her non-existent skirt as if to mock formality.