Hargrim frowns as the human belittles him. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1GEZpEOrrVG]"Why listen here ya' big punk. First of all-..."[/url] The dwarf doesn't get time to finish his insult as the night sky above their heads begins to shift and swirl. It seems the endless void losses his... endless and starts to shape like a face with eyes for stars and nebulous for lips. The lips part and a booming but monotone voice greets the group. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s19dGEGVYlTJ]"A warm welcome from the master, adventures. He hopes you will enjoy your stay and that you may survive longer then the previous group. If you are ready to continue your journey, please stand in the middle of the room."[/url] The mouth opens even further and a beam of light shoots out of it, covering the entire floor between the pillars in a bright light. Hargrim looks up in amazement before shaking his head and throwing his hands in the air. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1miaEAz2cUq]"Of course! Talking stars! That's what was missing! Ugh... Whatever. No other thing to do then listen to the magical head I'd say."[/url] He simply shrugs and walks towards the beam of light. Some might think he actually lost his mind, others, who knew Hargrim, would simply say he lost his care. With no time for anyone to stop him, the dwarf steps inside the beam of light. As soon as he is completely covered in the light he is blinded. As his sight slowly returns, he can see he's no longer in the room with pillars. The room he is standing in is completely empty, bare for a pedestal with a button on top of it.[url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1BSpOGD104o] "Well, this certainly isn't an improvement."[/url] His eyes scan through the room as he waits for his companions to man up and step through the portal as well.