Harold was trailing the others. All in all- he felt quite left out, and his apparently awful job at taking no damage and disabling two or three out of twelve enemies had him a little down. The rest of his new team were quiet, reserved, and scarred, unwilling to just shove it all aside and be whoever they want to be. Or maybe that is what they want to be. He didn't know. So far, he'd had a rather bad luck with the people on his team. Get chewed out, get ignored, get told that his job is good for a beginning, but nothing more. He didn't like these kinds of people. He liked talking, and if he tried to approach any of them and say something, they'd just look at him. So he trailed the group of them, entering a bar just like the rest of them, though not out of personal preference. He'd much rather shop for something to attach to Jupiter- miscellaneous gear, or maybe get a paint job or something to personalize it. Either way, it wasn't happening. The OSU weren't exactly nice- they moved on those who cross them, and they just crossed them. Not that he wouldn't have, if given the choice; he got a relatively massive paycheck compared to his last job. The problem was that he was feeling slightly paranoid about an OSU sniper or agent coming up and sticking a knife into his lonely back. So he stuck with the pack. When everyone's PDA's starting going off, simultaneously, Harold was the second one to whip it out and take the message in. Naturally, he turned and ran after Sarah, who had already barged out the door. He wasn't exactly the most athletic, but he managed a good enough clip behind the steadily distant Sarah. By the time he made it back to the [i]Samigina[/i], he was well and thoroughly exhausted, and promised himself that he needed to get a car or something, next time he decided to go into town. It was ridiculous to run so long! He rushed up the ramp, running past three other mechs until he reached his own. Hatch already open, he yelled for the mechanic to start booting it up, while he climbed in and did a systems check. A minute after Sarah had screwed up her own, but still launched, he was down and on the ground, rollers engaging. Still slightly ahead of everyone else except anyone else who had rushed a bit too much, he darted off after Sarah, cursing her for her foolishness- he couldn't connect to her systems, because her transmitter was sparking on and off due to low power. He hefted his autocannon with both hands, disappeared down a side street, and activated his active camo. From there, he started taking a slower, alternate route to the source of the explosions, autocannon at the ready, tracking his teammates- 'save for Sarah- and getting ready to provide intelligence.