[hr] [b][i]RICK ALLEN[/i][/b] [i]Star City; Corrigan School for [/i][right][indent][i]Advanced Learning and Development[/i][/indent][/right][hr][center][@Mr Allen J] [b]-:-[/b] [@Weird Tales] [b]-:-[/b] [@Lord Wraith][/center] [color=Chartreuse]"Heh, it'd be fun, yeah. Even if we aren't on the same team, it'll be funny as hell to keep trippin' the meatheads. They won't even see us coming!"[/color] [color=yellow]"Hell yeah!"[/color] Rick flashed a smirk, [color=yellow]"You know, I'm beginning to think you and I make a helluva speedster pair."[/color] At that moment, Meathead #1 began walking over to them. Rick quickly put his finger on his lip to signal to Tanya to be quiet, and stepped forward. [color=a36209]"Hay kid, I think that super speed of yours could make you the best Wide Receiver or Running Back in the game, how about you come try out for the team?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Yeah, sure, I'll meet you at break to talk about it."[/color] He said, breathing a sigh of relief as the meathead walked back off to his friend, before said friend was dismissed by Mr. Stewart. Goosebumps ran down Rick's spine as the coach hissed at the guy. Rick folded his arms and leaned next to Tanya as they were prepped by the coach. From what he learned, this session would be the Suicide Squad versus All-Star Squadron. But what really excited Rick is what Mr. Stewart said next. [b]"Allen, Blackwell, Harper, Hughes, Kama, Lamont, Lancaster, Luthor and Norwich. You'll be making up the Suicide Squad under Mr. Roth and Mr. Kent."[/b] [color=yellow]"Fuck yes! Ain't gonna put two speedsters in a team, huh? They put in [i]three[/i]."[/color] He nudged Tanya with a grin, before the two walked into the wait room to be briefed by Kieran and some kid named Aiden. [color=ed1c24]"Alright gals and gents, time to think like a villain. Frederick, can you give the base some cover? Maybe use the weather in Antarctica to our advantage? Julian, can we count on you to delete those drives? Kieran can you move the samples in the helicopter? Nora, Andrew, Kyle and I will keep the hostages safe. Tanya, Casey, Rick and Jason, you four will tend to the explosives."[/color] The door hissed open to give way to the steel walls of the research base. [color=ed1c24]"Any objections team?"[/color] [color=yellow]"No objections, just a suggestion - Tanya and I can sort out that meathead Balboa if he gives anyone trouble. Just holla and we'll give him hell."[/color] He flashed yet another grin to his newly appointed teammate. But just then, it hit him. As the cold air crept over his skin, Rick Allen realised one vital thing - he couldn't function in the cold. His healing abilities, his speed... all reduced to a pimp. [i]Fuck.[/i] [color=yellow]"Scrap that, objection. We need Freddie to make it warm. And I mean [i]warm[/i]. In the cold, I'm useless. I might aswell just put on ice skates and be a sitting duck for the All-Stars. We need to think, guys. Quick.[/color]