Hearing the cries from the other side of the door and Wolf shouting, Riza looked to the others, obviously having nothing she could think of. Conner honestly had no idea. All he did was shrug. "I wouldn't know. She's locked herself in a containment cell and made sure that no one could reach her. Might have to wait." He looked to Batman then. Meg'aan looked to his friends with concern. "I don't think would be able to figure what happened. I wouldn't want to risk hurting her." She told them. Riza though sat on the ground with her back against a wall, looking at the ground. As she sat there, she noticed a shadow, one more then everyone elses. Looking closely, she saw the shadow point to the door. And, nodding? Riza up and headed to the door. She used her magic to open the door, feeling no resistance. She looked inside the room.