[color=red]"No, I'm not a friend of his, but I wouldn't mind becoming a friend of his."[/color] [i]"That certainly implies a lot, though I don't think you're his type..."[/i], Kiyoshi thought before the teen spoke up again. [color=red]"My name is Jiro, I just transferred here from America and it seems I have lost my schedule, so I have no idea of where I need to go. It also seems your friend here is also in the same boat."[/color] Jiro had his hand extended out for a shake, Kiyoshi humbly complied and firmly shook the teen's hand before moving back to the tablet and typing out more words, "Itsugaya, Kiyoshi, a pleasure. As for the schedule none of us students are supposed to receive them until after the opening ceremony the principal is going to give in place of 1st period this morning; the destination then is obvious." As he turned to Takuma, Kiyoshi couldn't help but notice a shadowed figure in the corner of his vision nestling itself in the distance, but his attention was altered for only a second. "As for you Mr. Student Council," a small smirk couldn't help but show on Kiyoshi's face, "how is it that I know what the hell you're supposed to be doing and answering all the questions you should be answering? Konk your head on something hard this morning or what?"