[color=7bcdc8]"Yes, I am sure you are surprised. The form of communication through the ear-pieces is better than nothing as you stated but we will have to be extra on guard just in case the communication gives out. Check in every now and than would be the most reliable method to make sure." [/color]Aquamarine replied before letting Blood go over strategy. The plan did seem pretty solid, though she wasn't sure how ready she was to be alone with Blood. It seemed all they did was clash when they got close but maybe this could be a turning point in trying to be civil. She should be willing to at least give him a chance since people changed over time. There wasn't much hope but if there was even a small glimmer of hope than she couldn't resist. [color=7bcdc8]"Cluster? I have no clue to what you are speaking of but I don't see much of an issue with that since it would be unfair that after a warning that you get nothing from the deal. The strategy seems sound unless someone has any objections to it....I just... Please...don't make me regret agreeing to anything.."[/color] Aqua answered, the last part only being spoken because he had asked for something unknown to her.