[color=00aeef]"Have I... finally awoken from the dream...?"[/color] Azure eyes slowly flutter open, a little hesitant to see the view above her. A sigh, the same old wooden ceiling of the inn the knight was staying in. This same hopeful thought recurred every morning since the Apocalypse. Though at this point, Eclair wasn't as shaken as when she had first awoken in Seven Hills city. Like every other adventurer who were brought here, the blonde was in a state of panic and disbelief of what had happened to them. But a part of the adventure loving self of the French maiden was happy, she became the knight that she'd always admired. Here comes the down side, if she had become a knight herself, a devoted ally of justice, danger would trail not too far behind her. These conflicting feelings had caused Eclair to lock herself within the confines of the four walls of her room. This had been going on for too long, figuring that isolation from the outside world was not going to make things any better, the templar decided to take a walk and see how the other adventures were faring. ---- At a distance not too far from the inn, Eclair suddenly found herself in a rain of flower petals, a beautiful sight she had ever seen upon her arrival in this world. Laughter of children filled the streets and... a man leading the parade? It almost looked like a real life Tom the Pied Piper, [s]except he didn't seem to have the intention of kidnapping or drowning them in a river[/s]. It was a pleasant scene to see, People of the Land witnessing it with smiles upon their faces, making Eclair feel warm in her heart. Their emotions almost felt real. Perhaps they were real, she couldn't say for sure. A sudden announcement was heard throughout the streets, loud enough for the content of what he was saying to be clear. The smiles that were once upon the civilians' faces have now been replaced with an expression of fear. The laughter of children ceased, a number of them starting to weep. While Eclair, herself, had been quite shocked by the announcement, the heart of the knight within her couldn't stand to see the innocent civilians become hurt or be plagued by fear. [color=00aeef]"People of the Land, please calm yourselves and [b]listen[/b]!"[/color] Since Eclair didn't have a subclass like harold or any sort of authority over them, only a number of them had paused in their fear to listen. [i][color=00aeef]'W-What am I doing? What can I even tell them in this situation...?!'[/color][/i], the knight thought to herself with none of that panic visible upon her features. [color=00aeef]"At the current situation, we have no idea of how dreadful the situation may be. So please, stay locked and hidden indoors, but be prepared for evacuation at any moment."[/color] Her voice was bold and solemn but the voice within her shook with fear, uncertain if anybody would actually listen to her. Whether anybody did or not, Eclair turned towards the way the foxtail man ran and parted her lips to speak once more, [color=00aeef]"We, the Adventurers, will alert you if an evacuation will be necessary. Keep safe indoors until further notice, that is all."[/color] [color=00aeef][i]'...... Just what have I gotten myself into...'[/i][/color] ---- [i]Reality is harsh.[/i] Upon reaching the site where the vampires were spotted, Eclair's heart sank and fear took over her every being. It was slowly starting to show as her hands shook lightly as they held the longsword and the shield. A voice brought her back from her thoughts, [b]"Tanks to the front, melee dps behind, next support, next ranged dps."[/b] There goes her cue to step up to the front, being a tank healer and all but could she really do this...? [color=00aeef][i]'If this really is a dream, then please... Wake me up [b]now[/b].'[/i][/color]