[hider= Johanna Sanchez][hr][hr][center][color=c1152f][h1]Johanna Marie Sanchez[/h1][/color] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/ctcwp.jpg[/img] [i]“Don't give me that look. I know that look! I can take care of myself just fine.”[/i] -[b][i] Johanna[/i][/b][hr][hr][/center][center][color=c1152f][h1][u]T H E B A S I C S [/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Name}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Johanna Marie Sanchez.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Nickname}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Jojo. Johanna is used for the more formal or serious settings. Since Johanna has to deal with that through her job and her family members. She prefers when her friends use the more fun and playful version of her name.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Birth Date}[/b]|[/color] [indent]June, 15th 1989.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Age}[/b]|[/color] [indent]26.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Gender}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Sexuality}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Heterosexual.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Sexually Active}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Yes.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Relationship Status}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Single. Recently divorced.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Occupation}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Office Assistant at a place that sells windows, roofs, and siding. [/indent][hr][center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/11s2onq.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=c1152f][h1][u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=c1152f]|[b]{In Depth Appearance}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Johanna is a Hispanic woman, specifically Portuguese. She is very petite at around 5ft 2, weighing between 110-115lbs depending on what holiday season with the most food it is. Her skin tone is fairly light, but can get pretty dark when she is outside in the sun. Both her eyes and hair are a very dark brown. Almost always seen wearing a shade of red lipstick, ever since she was allowed to in high school. Treats herself to manicures and pedicures practically every weekend.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Clothing Style}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Johanna brought a few formal cocktail dresses in case there was a need to dress up at all, but will be seen mostly in over sized sweaters and thermals paired with black leggings. She always wears a watch her grandmother gave her, though it has stopped working many years ago.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Scars, Tattoos, Piercings}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Single lobe piercings on each ear. [/indent][hr][center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/2z6tul2.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=c1152f][h1][u]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Likes & Dislikes}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color] Dancing [color=008800]✔[/color] Summer time weather [color=008800]✔[/color] Drinking something 'pretty' [color=008800]✔[/color] Learning new things [color=008800]✔[/color] Makeovers [color=008800]✔[/color] Cooking [color=008800]✔[/color] Interior design [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Her ex-husband [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Bossy people [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Being woken up early [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Party poopers [color=FF0000]✘[/color] When she can't think of a word in English [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Silence [color=FF0000]✘[/color] The smell of too much perfume[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Hobbies}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Commenting her opinions on facebook and twitter. Looking up makeup/cooking/craft tutorials on Youtube and Etsy. Barhopping to new and old places, specially ones that offer salsa nights. [/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Habits}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Leaving her belongings everywhere. Tapping her nails on hard surfaces when she's bored or listening or nervous. Switching between Portuguese and English in the middle of a heated conversation. [/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Fears}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=000000]☠[/color] Most insects and animals. [color=000000]☠[/color] Never finding love again. [color=000000]☠[/color] Losing her grandmother.[/indent][hr][center][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/211wbyw.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=c1152f][h1][u]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Personality}[/b]|[/color] [center][u]♦ Outgoing ♦ Absent Minded ♦ Over Dramatic ♦ Silly ♦[/u][/center] [indent]If you're looking for a silly time filled with laughs, Johanna is your girl. She is always looking for fun, even during the most mundane events- like grocery shopping. Very friendly and outgoing, wanting everyone to join in and be having a good time. She's an amazing party host. However, life isn't always fun and games and when it hits Jojo she breaks down and becomes very dramatic and overreactive about everything. Every problem is always world ending when it comes to Johanna. [/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Place Of Origin}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Was born in Portugal but now lives in North Carolina.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{History}[/b]|[/color] [indent]"Estar a sombra da bananeira." Roughly translated into "sitting under the shade of a banana tree" but to the Portuguese, it means that you have no worries. This was the type of attitude Johanna was raised under. Born to Juan and Natalia Sanchez in the city of Faro, Portugal. They lived in the country until Jojo was about 3 years old and then they came to America settling in North Carolina, of all places. They left behind her only grandmother and the woman she was named after, but kept in contact through phone calls, and the rare visits back home. North Carolina wasn't exactly the America that the Sanchez family had envisioned, but they made it along just fine, getting a small home and making it by with basic jobs. Johanna was spoiled endlessly by both her parents as much as they could offer. She very rarely was in trouble, or told that she couldn't do anything she set her mind to. School was a challenge to the very absent minded Jojo but with her great group of friends she made it through, and even found romance her senior year. Not going to college, and getting married not but a few months after highschool graduation was probably not the best path choices Johanna could have made, but with her parents and friend's support she dived right into the adventure. Things were amazing being married. She was Mrs. Warren Vanhaven. Fancy as fuck. Warren and her had a very fun and lavish lifestyle, he let her do as she please as long as she came home and did as he pleased as well. A few years into their marriage they began trying to have a baby, and became successful very quickly after the first attempt. In tragic outcome, the baby was lost and their relationship soon started deteriorating. Warren blamed Johanna for the loss of the baby because she wasn't 'careful' enough. It was a heated and hurtful relationship until the end where they decided it was best to just get a divorce and go their separate ways. Since then, Johanna moved back home with her parents and found herself at a basic office job taking orders for customers. She isn't too happy with the downgrade in lifestyle, but her parents have continued to be loving and supporting to her despite her outbursts of partying and drug use she has been going through. This will be the first time seeing her friends since the divorce, and she doesn't really want to talk about it too much, and hopes that this re-connection with old friends will be just what she needs to get out of this slump of self destruction.[/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Extra}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Hasn't told anyone the reason behind her divorce. [i]My favorite part of Christmas time is how cheerful and happy everyone is towards one another, despite the year's hardships. Nothing is more exciting and amazing than waking up Christmas morning with your family and loved ones and just enjoying that you are here on this Earth and that everything is going to be okay.[/i][/indent] [color=c1152f]|[b]{Theme Song}[/b]|[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdI_Uk6CYNk]Dark Times - The Weeknd[/url] [sub]”Waking up, half past five Blood on pillow, one bruised eye Drunk too much, you know what I'm like But you should've seen the other guy”[/sub][/indent][/hider]